- love language

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in honour of reaching 66 reads, i thought i'd finally do some vague 'romantic' stuff.

what I think their love languages would be, one that's the core 5  (words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving/giving gifts, quality time, and physical touch), a second that's unique to them. as per usual, I'm right and will not be fought on the matter (unless you have a good reason, then the debate is on...) 

Obi-wan - words of affirmation, lets be real here, every single character that obi-wan vaguely likes (or honestly even dislikes, i'm looking at you Ventress) he has complimented at some point. his unique one would be doting over you when you're sick, or even not sick, he would just worry.  

Rex - acts of service for sure, he'd always be cleaning your clothes and grabbing you a snack, and you'd be like 'don't you have shit to do?' and he'd just keep doing it regardless. his unique one would be letting you borrow his stuff, stuff that he doesn't let ANYONE touch, and honestly its cute asf. 

Ahsoka - hers would be quality time, you'd go on lil dates and it'd be adorable omg. her unique one would be giving you shiny rocks, ik that sounds like gift giving but hear me out, she would spot a little rock on the ground and just grab it and be like 'happy birthday!' (your birthday is months away) 

Luke - his would be acts of service, because he's always saving people, so what's one more? his unique one would be just resting his hand on your head, doesn't matter if you're taller or shorter, he just puts his hand there. 

Leia - she would also be acts of service (must be a twin thing), she would constantly be taking on your work loads for you, no matter how busy she is. her unique one is listening to you rant, vent, whatever, if she loves you she will listen to your every word. 

Din - no because his would be physical touch but like this man is so touch starved so he'd be ALL OVER you. his little unique one is sharing his food, he wants to make sure you're looked after, so- food! 

Cassian - his would be words of affirmation, he'd just love telling you how amazing you are because you smile every time. his unique one is dancing with you, just a nice little slow dance when a good song comes on.  

Cal - gift giving, you cannot take him into a shop because he will buy everything that you even look at slightly, it does not matter if he has the money or not he will find a way. his unique one is telling you stupid jokes because he likes making people laugh. 

Poe - his would be physical touch i'm gonna be so real rn he is a little bastard, attacking people from behind with bone crushing hugs. his unique one would be just humming to you to help you fall asleep. (ngl if someone did this to me i would simply pass away-) 

hope you liked them <3 (also don't forget to comment, constructive criticism is more than welcome, or requests, i need writing ideas tbh) 

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