ok fine i'll add Poe - catch up

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i got a fair few anonymous requests pleading that i add Poe Dameron, so fine, here's the catch up for headcannons (also i don't hate Poe he's like the one thing that i liked about the sequels, i just didn't really have many headcannons about him before because i don't know much about him) (also i had to re-watch the sequels for this so you'd better appreciate it) 

instrument he would play - acoustic guitar, because Oscar Isaac, also let's be real here he's played wonderwall at a party at least once, love him, but yeah no he was that kinda guy at at least one point in time 

hugs - he loves hugs, this is cannon, also he goes overarm in his hugs because he just does dw abt it

books - he reads comics, because dumb gay himbo (stupid, love him) 

cats or dogs - both, but only because Leia gives cat vibes and he loves her dearly <3 

media - he likes top gun, i do not need to explain why. also he plays flight simulators religiously lets be real rn 

ok that's it he'll be in the other headcannon things from now on, peace and love <3 

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