#4 Hunter

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ok so 1- this is actually based off of a request I got, but that request was a bit- well- interesting (that's code for they wanted me to write smut) so I decided that I'd put it here instead and do what I want with the prompt <3 so anyway! yeah!

fun fact about me: I was born with polydactyly! which is a fancy way of saying I was born with six fingers on each hand, not really useful in any way but kinda cool, I had them removed at a young age, but the scars from them were a big insecurity of mine for a long time, and so this was kind of my inspiration for this :O anyway- enough about me, on with the story.

warnings: body insecurity/dismorphia (not too drastic don't worry), comfort, fluff, pretty bad angst, talking about scars because i'm a sucker for characters opening up to each other

story follows the character, Stellia (you know the drill, you can just sub out your name) an ex-bounty hunter who has been travelling with the bad batch since the height of the clone wars, lately though, Omega has been noticing strange behavior from her, so logically, she takes it up with the boys, to which Hunter decides to figure out what's going on.


~1800 words (one of my longest yet- oops)


Stellia had been travelling with the bad batch for a long time now; she was there on Skako minor, she was there to witness the execution of order 66, she was there when a little blonde girl decided to sneak her way into their hearts, she was there when one of their own decided to turn on them, and she was there now, when they had finally taken some time to rest.

Stellia stepped into the lodging they had been given on Pabu, and was met with the clinking of plates and chatter from the people that had become her family, the group had been reunited with Echo after what felt like forever, and were having a lunch to celebrate the momentous occasion, however, she walked past the table and headed towards her room.

"Stellia aren't you going to have some lunch?" Omega called from her spot at the head of the table.

"I will in just a bit 'Mega! I've gotta get something more comfy on." she responded before stepping into her room.

On the wall opposite the door sat a mirror, one that Stellia couldn't help but hold disdain for every time she came to face it. That mirror had witnessed her picking apart every little piece of her, it had seen her turn to the side, only to turn back when she noticed the pout of her stomach, the rolls in her back, the way her arms squished against her sides, when she turned back all she could see was the way her thighs squished together, and her skin bunched up when it met the straps of her singlet. The thing she noticed the most though, were the scars that littered her skin, each a reminder of a battle, won or lost, a fall, an injury, a particularly stubborn pimple even. Stellia couldn't stand it. She quickly took her weapons out of their holsters, and shed her armor, leaving it in a neat pile on the bed.

As Stellia was getting changed, the table had gone quiet, something was amiss, and the air was thick with tension.

"Is Stellia ok?" Omega broke the silence.

"Why do you ask?" Tech responded, failing to answer the blonde's question.

"She's been acting kind of... weird." the girl commented

"How so?" the clone asked, pushing his goggles up in question.

"She keeps going into her room, and then she doesn't come out for a while, and when she does she looks kind of- sad." Omega recounted flatly.

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