- random clone headcannons because why not

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just some of my random little clone headcannons that i felt should be shared

- ok this one is basically actual cannon but being called by their CT or ARC number or whatever is basically like when your parents call you your full name

- therefore there has been more than one occasion when fives has been mucking up again and the whole of the barracks have stopped dead in their tracks when they hear Rex going "ARC TROOPER-5555 YOU GET AWAY FROM THOSE WIRES OR SO HELP ME I WILL SEND YOU TO THE INFIRMARY WITHIN AN INCH OF YOUR LIFE."

- the other biggest culprit for full naming the clones is obviously Kix, like I can just imagine Rex walking into the infirmary after a particularly nasty fight and trying to refuse medical attention because he's all selfless and shit and Kix is just having none of it and snaps "CT-7567. sit. down."

- on the topic of medical stuff- periods, we all hate them, they suck, but no one really thought to like- tell the clones about it... so they probably had to find out the hard way- along the lines of noticing blood on a general/commander and then freaking out because like- omg?? are they ok??? and then are promptly horrified when they discover that this is infact something that people with uteruses have to go through once a month or more-

- ok this might be a little dumb but i have this little headcannon that hunter can somewhat tell when someone is lying, like because of his heightened senses he can hear the shift in their heart-rate and/or breathing, kinda like Toph in A:TLA if that makes sense???

- this is less of a headcannon and more of like a peev?? of mine? like isn't Rex's hair natural? why do I keep seeing people say it's bleached?? same with Omega? like i guess i understand if it's like for a fanfic or whatever like plotwise but like? idk maybe i'm crazy but i could have sworn they were natural blondes, idk feel free to tell me i'm wrong about this in the comments.

- idk what the tallies on Rex's amour are actually for, i've seen speculation that they're for his droid kills but that doesn't make sense because if they were his armor would basically be painted black- anyway i like to think they're for his fallen brothers and friends, it's a little sad but i feel like he's the kind of guy to commemorate them like that.

anyway let me know if you want more of these and please share your own headcannons in the comments i'd love to hear them!! peace and love <3

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