- instruments they would play

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i'm right about this I don't care if it's dumb - these are in no particular order so it's kinda a free for all, have fun 

Obi-wan - he for sure plays a huge grand piano while he sips his tea like the posh brit he is

Ahsoka - she plays bass guitar, I will not be disputed on this, she would, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it, don't kid yourself

Rex - he plays electric guitar, again I will not be disputed on this 

(honorable mention - hardcase - he plays drums, no explanation needed) 

Luke - your fave the space twink with the channel boots plays flute, and is an absolute demon at it 

Leia - she gives off harp vibes, idk why, i just feel like she'd play a beautiful glissando and then tell moff tarkin that he looks like the human equivalent of cottage cheese. 

Din - ok call me crazy but he wouldn't play an instrument, but would secretly be a really good singer, like singing lullabies to grogu and stuff, idk maybe i'm crazy 

Cassian - acoustic guitar, enough said 

Cal - he plays the saxophone (gotta do more gotta be more) for no reason other than that it annoys the hell out of greez 

anyway that's on headcannons for today hope you enjoyed my shitshow <3 

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