#1 Captain Rex

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-please forgive me if this sucks I tried ok? 

- ok so basically this is how Rex and the Character met (her name is Lenora but you can obviously just pretend it's your name or whatever), fluff, really badly written angst, umm yeah here goes my first attempt I guess wish me luck... 

(omg I'm reading back over this way after publishing it and realizing it's reeaally weird, I might edit it a bit to try to make it a little less- idk- bad. </3) 

~1200 words 

Drip- plop
Drip- plop
Drip- plop 

I'm sat in my room on Kamino, watching my tap drip as I wait for my monthly check. the room about as lively as I can make it, with the small pot plants that the Kaminoans have let me keep, they're honestly the only thing that keeps me sane in this place.

 I've always wanted to go out and meet the other residents of the facility but the Kaminoans insist that I can't go out there, as intermixing with the other subjects "may end in catastrophe!", whatever that's supposed to mean. 

I've been here since the day I was born, well, I use the term 'born' lightly, I'm a clone, just like the other residents of the facility, but unlike them, there's only one of me. 

I don't know much about the other residents, only that there's got to be at least a thousand of them from the commotion I hear from listening into the Kaminoans conversations on comms, they seem like a rowdy bunch, I'd love to see what they're doing in the bigger parts of the facility, all that room to run around.

~~~~~~~~~ time skip to the check 

"Hello dear." the Kaminoan beams at me, her long neck arching as she looks down at me in my position on the couch, which is becoming more and more uncomfortable the longer her beady eyes bore into my skull.

"Where's Nala Se?" I spit out before I can even consider how it may sound to the Kaminoan, who is, as most of them are, very particular about manners.

"She is otherwise occupied, dear." she puts particular emphasis on that last part, as her face slightly shifts to a rather unpleasant expression. 

"Apologies, she's a fairly punctual lady, so I expected her." I bumble out "let's get on with it shall we?" 

"We certainly shall." she taps a button on her wrist-monitor and I hear the low-faint buzz of the microphone turning on.

"Name and age if you please." she says as she stares at me once again

"Lenora, 9 years and 7 months."

"Allow me to repeat myself, name  and age"

Kriff do these guys ever blink? I curse internally 

"My apologies ma'am, I was under the impression Lenora was my name, I assume you're talking about my designation, which would be theta 1, although given that all other batches were discontinued and i'm the only one left I figured giving myself a name wouldn't do any ha-"

"You need not explain yourself theta 1, we will continue testing" she cut me off with venom laced in every word

And continue we did, she did the usual, tested my reflexes, took a swab to make sure I hadn't somehow magically managed to contract a cold while locked up in my little system of rooms cut off from everything.

 And then came the fertility test.

"Ah negative again I see, we'll have to up the dosage of your medication."

"I still don't understand why the fertility test is of any importance." I speak up for the first time since my 'outburst' earlier

"I am sure Nala Se has explained this to you many times, it is of the utmost importance to the client that you are able to produce progeny, as her-"

"True daughter was unable to..." I finish her sentence, I shouldn't have asked really, I always get the same answer, the Kaminoans can't tell me much about the client, for 'legal reasons' I'm told, but what I do know is that she's a very rich lady, and she had only one daughter, but she became deathly sick with an illness that they have no cure for. The old lady wanted nothing more than to have a beautiful family with many grandchildren, but that couldn't happen, so she went to the Kaminoans, and the rest is history.
Unfortunately I was the only one of my sisters to actually make it through the cloning process, as the Kaminoans were requested to make us 'perfect', something obviously went wrong, maybe it was the use of accelerated aging, or maybe it was the altering of other genetic aspects, regardless, something wasn't right, because all of the others didn't make it. 

Suddenly I am ripped from my spiral of melancholy thoughts as the Kaminoan gets up to leave, she bids me goodbye and I am left to entertain myself as per usual.

~~~~~~ time skip to about a week later 

I suddenly hear a crash outside-


It's way too early for another check I think as I step towards the door out of my lodging.

"Is anyone out there?" I stupidly ask, knowing very well there has to be.

"Uh- ye-yes." says an unfamiliar voice with an unfamiliar accent, sounding almost downtrodden.

"Are you alright?" 

"Yes... you aren't going to tell anyone i'm here are you?" says the voice, which I recognize as sounding rather masculine, which i'm not exactly used to hearing.

"No... why?"

"Well... I- might get in trouble." again said sounding downtrodden.

"Well your secret is safe with me... um- what's your name?"

"CT-7567." the clone says with little to no hesitation.

"Oh so you're a clone too?"

"Yeah I am, the Kaminoans say I might be on my way to being a captain some day!" I can practically hear his chest swelling with pride.

"Well then I'm sure they'd be thrilled to know their 'captain in the making' is sneaking around getting familiar with the other residents instead of training with his brothers." I say dryly, hoping he'll catch the sarcasm behind my words.

"Tch-" he lets out a huffy laugh "hey, I never caught your name by the way." 

"Oh, Lenora."


"Wow what?" I ask, puzzled

"Oh, nothing, it's just a very nice name... I guess I wish the Kaminoans bothered to give us lovely names like that." 

"Well funny thing about that actually- they didn't give me the name, I picked it myself." I say proudly 

"You can do that?"

"Well it worked for me didn't it? why don't you give it a try?" I encourage. 

"Alright... well... how about... Rex?" he says, nervously awaiting my answer.

"Rex..." I test the name, let it roll off my tongue "nice! short, cool, I love it!" I proclaim.

"Thanks!" he says bashfully 

 "Well, I think i'd better get going before anyone catches me here" he says, a hint of sadness in his words 

"That's probably best, do stop by again sometime! I've enjoyed your company."

"I will, bye Lenora." 

"Goodbye Rex!"

I have a feeling things around here are going to be a lot less boring from now on.


OOOOkay so, that was it, my first story. I really hope it wasn't the worst thing ever, I had to lowkey do my research for that. 

also i feel i should clarify that rex is the same age as the character in this, they are both accelerated in age, so they're 9 but would be roughly 18 (i thinkkkk?? idk the clone ages are super confusing), also i feel like i made rex a little to enthusiastic/bubbly, but feel free to tell be what you think, thanks so much for reading </3 

(also if i made any spelling/grammar errors please let me know i didn't have time to edit this properly, thanks </3)

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