request - Ahsoka Tano

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so sorry for the lack of updates lately- I've been working on my other project a lot but you know I had to come back rq for a request about my bbg Ahsoka! Request was as follows; "Find a magic thing? Idfk I'm crappy at plots lol" (actually so incredibly real, I'll try my best to make it good <3 <3) also omg first male/masc character??? I don't know if i'm gonna be able to write this well at all but we'll see??? 

the character and Ahsoka have been sent on a mission to tatooine, (without anakin because- y'know) while there they encounter a mysterious force signature....

warnings: fluff, male reader (but honestly it's not an obvious thing, could technically be female if you just sub out the pronouns  :)) writing that is probably going to show off my writer's block </3  unedited </3 </3

~800 words (sorry it's so short </3) 


The hyperdrive reared to life as the stars became mere blurs in the padawans' vision, they were off on a mission without their masters- who knew what crazy things could happen!

"Hey 'Soka! Do you know where my compass is?" Jak called to Ahsoka, who was lounging in the cockpit. 

"Why do you even need that thing? We have the navi-computers you know..." the togruta responded. 

"Hey, call me old fashioned all you want, but that thing has gotten me out of many-a tough situation." the other padawan said matter-of-fact-ly.

Ahsoka rolled her eyes at this, but went to help find the compass regardless.

"It's here you kriffing idiot." Ahsoka said jokingly as she waved the compass in front of her friend's face. 

"Thanks stripes." Jak teased.

Soon the pair landed on Tatooine. 

"So why are we here anyway?" Jak questioned "And why didn't Skywalker tag along, he normally barely lets you out of his sight unless he's triple checked everything." 

"Master Obi-wan just said Tatooine isn't exactly a place Anakin wants to be, I didn't want to press him on it too much-" Ahsoka explained- "anyway, we're here to meet a contact, should be in Moss Espa, it'll be a bit of a hike though so we'd better get moving." 

The pair made their way to the markets, where they bought themselves some speeders, from there they set off across the dune sea, stopping once or twice to have some water and check in with their masters. 


After a good day of travelling, the two padawans were growing tired and decided to set up camp. 

"Hey do you feel that?" Ahsoka asked, breaking the calm silence that had lulled over the pair.

"Feel what?" 

"I'm not sure... You know what it's probably nothing, 'night Jak"

"G'night 'Soka." 

The pair drifted off together under the stars, trusting that the force would protect them from any potential threats. 


"Jak- Jak- JAK!" Ahsoka shook the boy trying to wake him up.

"Whaisitsoka-" her friend mumbled in a sleepy haze. 

"Jak open your eyes! look!"

The boy opened his eyes- and was completely taken aback at what he saw.

"Wh- where are we?" 

The pair found themselves situated on a tiny island in the middle of a huge ocean. Safe to say they were completely shocked.

"I'll check the star map-" Ahsoka attempted to stay calm.

"Stripes how the kriff would we have been magically transported to another planet? It's not like we're on a ship with a hyperdrive! There's something bigger at play here." 

"Well what else am I supposed to do!" 

"Here, sit with me." Jak motioned to the ground next to him.


"Now reach out through the force, you said you felt something before right?"

"I did yeah- wait you don't think that could have had something to do with this do you?"

"Maybe- we'll see."

And so the pair sat and meditated together, reaching out to try to find the source of their predicament, eventually Ahsoka felt a familiar pull. 

"I can feel it!"

"Good, hold onto that!" Jak encouraged as he went to grab something from his bag.

He held out the object, the compass from before- its' needle began to spin wildly, to which Jak frowned  frustratedly. 

"'Soka, I'm gonna need you to focus more- really reach out."

Ahsoka reached out as much as she possibly could, focusing in, drowning out all outside input, as she did this, the compass's needle began to slow- finally landing on a point slightly off to the left. Jak slowly paced over, and stopped when the needle began to rotate slowly and evenly around the center. He began digging the sand away with his hands- eventually he hit something, grasping it firmly and pulling it out.

"'Soka! Check this out!" Jak called out.

"Woahh... what is that?"

Truth be told, neither padawan knew exactly what they were looking at, it looked as if it had been buried in the sand for millennia, it was round and only about the size of Jak's fist, but was deceptively heavy. After turning the object in his hand a few times, the scene around the pair began to dissolve, leaving them both back in the middle of the dune sea.

"That was- bizarre..." Jak said, somewhat lamely.

"No kidding- we'd better report this to the council, the artifact could be dangerous." 


Despite the pair being unsuccessful in making contact with the informant, the mission was not all a failure- they had discovered an ancient artifact that the Jedi council had thought far gone, the object itself turning out to be an ancient prototype for the Jedi holocron, if the Jedi could crack the code to accessing it, they may be able to find records from the beginnings of the Jedi order! 

Ahsoka and Jak were so going on more missions together from now on. 


Ok so that wasn't my best work sorry guys... i've hit a bit of writers block but i'm trying my best to pull through it, i am mostly putting my energy into my other project so feel free to check that out! also i am considering doing a more full length style book where i basically throw all of my oc's in one big universe together- might be a dumb idea but let me know if you want that to happen! peace and love <3 

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