request - Obi-wan

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A brilliant request from birdkicker27 no warnings really, just fluff, maybe a bit of angst if I can figure out how to write it in a non-cringe way. Hope this is up to standard </3 (this will be sort of the backstory to Obi-wan and the character from the Ahsoka oneshot, Caoimhe)(also I would like to preface that I didn't make up any of the setting/creatures- just the names of the characters- I'm gonna be so honest they're kinda giving glup shitto but, that's star wars for you-)  

~1300 words 


2 years before the events of the phantom menace- 30 BBY- a 23 year old Obi-wan Kenobi is on an outreach mission with a 22 year old Caoimhe Enreth on Akiva to make some negotiations with the native inhabitants- the Uugteens- to use the planet as a stopover for a larger mission, to explore the unknown regions. 

"Caoimhe, we're making our decent, you'd best strap in we aren't sure how friendly the Uugteens are." Obi-wan calls from the pilot's seat 

"Force, you sound like Qui-gon-"

"Who is always right." he interrupts "or at least most of the time." he adds as an afterthought under his breath.

"Alright fine I'll strap in, just let me find my holopad-"

"Now Caoimhe-" he cuts my search short.

"Ok ok I'm coming." I huff as I plonk myself down in the co-pilot seat.

We enter the atmosphere and the landing goes smoothly, just as I thought it would. The pair of us exit the ship and are greeted by a stout Uugteen, who introduces herself as Ingr'el. She takes us into the palace where we're greeted with a council of chattering Uugteens, at the center sits the Queen, who silences the room with the thump of her staff.

"So you are the negotiators sent by the Jedi council? Interesting... I was expecting some with some more... experience." the Queen says, failing to hide the fact that she was rather unimpressed with the sight of us, presumably unsure why two padawans had been sent on such an important mission. 

"I assure you, we were selected specifically by the council, if there had been a better choice, they would have sent them." I reply, hiding my disapproval at her clear underestimate of our skills. 

"You seem to hold yourself highly." she remarks "nevertheless, please state your business." 

"We are here to confirm our safe passage through your system, your eminence." Obi-wan speaks up from his spot beside me "we will need it if we are to safely partake in our mission to explore more of the unknown regions."

"We would also, if it is of no inconvenience to you, appreciate the use of your planet as a stopover so our ships may refuel." I add hopefully 

"We have discussed the matter of safe passage preceding your arrival and come to the unanimous decision that it is in our best interest, however, we cannot be sure that the addition of use as a stopover is... appropriate." 

I suck in a breath at this, Akiva was our last hope for a stopover, all of the other planets refused, mostly because they wished to stay neutral, so as to not fall under republic law. I feel Obi-wan's eyes fall on me, a worried shadow falls over them.

"We will discuss your additional request further, for now you are guests of the palace and will be given lodging, we will reconvene tomorrow. farewell." the Queen says with finality as she descends from her throne and we are led away to our rooms by Ingr'el.


Later that night- 

I'm sat on the large double bed in the middle of the room they've granted me, consumed in my thoughts. what if they say no? what if we can't go ahead with the mission? what if our chance at finally unlocking the unknown regions is lost? 

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