catch up - Hunter

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uhhh so i finally got my act together and watched the bad batch, and decided that i'd finally add hunter to the roster for headcannons (partially because i have had a few requests for him) anywayy yeah these may not be the best because i'm not AS familiar with him as i am with others but i'll try </3 (also i'm gonna put the how you met and the 'surprise kiss' at the bottom because i get the feeling it may be a little lengthy) 

instruments - i'm gonna be honest i think he would play drums BUT would have to wear earplugs because they're really loud (same tbh my ears actually ring if i don't wear them at my band rehearsals) 

books - he doesn't really seem like a much of a reader, but maybe he'd read little camping books and boy scout guides (because you know, hunter) and, no one can know this, but he likes to read omega's kids books, because he never really got to experience that kind of thing (oh dear i've just made myself sad.) 

cats or dogs - dogs, he just has that vibe

media - he watches bear grills, no explanation needed. 

hugs - he's not really a big fan because well, sensory stuff :p (so fair tbh) but if he does give you a hug it is actually the most amazing thing omg he's a damn heater, if you're cold look no further. rumor has it, if you can get a hug from hunter, you're probably seconds from death because he is NOT a fan, but also you are VERY lucky, and also he probably will not let go because he's an emotionally repressed bitch <3 

love language - his core 5 is 100% acts of service, basically half the plot of the bad batch is him doing stuff that he doesn't want to for the people he loves. his special one is teaching you little things, like how to flip a knife and stuff, he'll just teach the people that he loves little things (cough cough because he's scared to lose them and wants them to be able to defend themselves cough cough)

insecurity of yours that he actually loves - body hair, you a little hairy? who cares!! it keeps you warm! and besides who can be arsed shaving or waxing all the time let's be real here-

how you met - you were an ex-bounty hunter that ended up working with the GAR on some special-ops missions, and this was initially where you met Hunter along with the rest of the bad batch, however, you didn't see each other for a while, you went on the run after the events of order 66 and you were eventually re-united when Cid sent the bad batch on a mission to come find you, after you'd given your intel to Cid you decided it was time to stop running and join the group permanently. 

surprise :0 - he would FREAK. OUT. but only for a split second, after which he would very quickly return the favor. (also echo, tech, and wrecker totally had a bet on when it was gonna happen, echo won, tech was salty, and wrecker wasn't entirely sure what was going on, but who cares)

ANYWAYYYY hope these were up to standard, i have a couple more headcannons in the works, i'm trying my best to do at least one upload a week (mostly because i actually hate seeing discontinued books with like 11 chapters total and i want to give my fellow star wars fans something to read <3) but obviously my upload schedule won't really have much structure because i am totally new to this, and (shockingly) i have a life, anyway rants aside, peace and love <3

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