- how you met

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title explains it, you get it. should i be studying for exams right now? yes. am i going to? absolutely not <3 

Obi-wan - you were both padawans, you and both of your masters were sent on a mission together to defend a planet from a group of warlords, you both fought valiantly and began going on missions together far more often after that. 

Rex - (see the first oneshot- or maybe don't, i'm not sure i like how it's written) you were another clone in the cloning facilities on Kamino, some old rich lady wanted her daughter cloned after she contracted a terminal illness. one day you heard some rustling outside your door, Rex had stumbled across your quarters when exploring the facilities, you became fast friends and he began visiting more. 

Ahsoka - (see oneshot #2) you were a padawan, serving under a master who was rather close with Obi-wan, so of course you went on missions with him, and by extent  Anakin and Ahsoka, you quickly became friends, bonding over the fact that you both had masters who were certainly not masters at hiding their relationships with one-another. 

Luke - you lived on Tatooine, and vaguely knew Luke from seeing him around town, although one day you saw him riding around with old Ben Kenobi, and got curious, eventually coming face to face with them, now knowing too much, you said you'd keep your mouth shut if they let you come with them, the rest is history. 

Leia - you were an x-wing pilot for the rebellion, you saved her ass a couple of times and soon the both of you became pretty much attached at the hip. 

Din - you were a fellow bounty hunter that had attempted to find the child, but had pulled out when you realized just how outnumbered you were, so you went back and helped Kuill out around his home, in exchange for lodging, one day the mandalorian showed up, so you decided maybe you'd give the bounty another try, you managed to procure the bounty, and mando decided he could use an extra set of hands on his journeys. 

Cassian - you two grew up together on Ferrix, you met him when Maarva first brought him home, he didn't know any basic, so you (and Klem and Maarva) started work teaching him, in return, he taught you some of what he knew, and you quickly became inseparable. 

Cal - you were part of the crew on the mantis, and were there when Cere and Greez picked up Cal, you taught him some of the little fighting tricks you had picked up, having being practically raised by a gang of bounty hunters, turns out Cal was a fast learner and he soon became your go-to sparring partner when you needed to let off some steam. 

Poe - you doubled as a medic and a special-opps agent in the resistance (numbers were dwindling man, you gotta do what you gotta do) you were sent on a mission with Poe, who you thought was an air-headed fly-boy, the mission had its twists and turns, at one point you got pretty badly injured and had to instruct Poe on how to treat you, expecting him to fumble, he actually ended up doing pretty well, things developed from there. (the lines "you're amazing" and "you're not too bad yourself" were definitely spoken.) 

and that's on procrastinating  <3 hope you liked it, also, let me know if you want any of these as oneshots (the ones that aren't already obviously) peace and love <3 

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