- nicknames

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umm this one's a little cheesy- BUT hopefully not as cheesy as some of the other ones I've seen from some other people <3


Obi-wan -
his: negotiator (you call him this to tease him, 'oh great negotiator' is a common way that you start conversations with the man), honey.
yours: lovely, dear, insert other classy ass pet name here.

Rex -
his: pretty boy, blondie, hun, alor'ad (captain).

yours: cyare (loved, beloved), love.

Ahsoka -
hers: babes, 'soka, stripes.
yours: babe, (insert abbreviation of your name here), sparky. (stripes and sparky is a little inside joke between you- (i'll do a oneshot on it at some point probably))

Luke -

his: farmer boy, channel boots, fashionista. (all accurate asf)

yours: sweetie, honey, pumpkin. (Luke is a corny guy what can I say)

Leia -

hers: ma'am, Leia (she's too much of a bad bitch for cutesy pet names)

yours: honey, beautiful.

Din -

his: cate (handsome), tin can, shiny.

yours: Cyar'ika (darling, sweetheart), mir'sheb (smartass), mesh'la (beautiful).

Cassian -
his: Cass, ass, handsome.

yours: (abbreviation of your name :P), dusty (to do with the Cassian oneshot i wrote, go check that out) beautiful, my love.

Cal -
his: ginger, nerd, pretty.

yours: babe, (another abbreviation of your naamee)

Poe -
his: flyboy, pretty boy.

yours: hot stuff, baby (i normally dislike baby as a pet name but he would use it ngl)

Hunter -
his: hunt, tough guy, big softie (those two are definitely used teasingly)

yours: love, hot shot, cyare (loved, beloved).


don't say i didn't warn you- these were incredibly cheesy I apologize oml, anyway hope you enjoyed, peace and love <3

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