- when you're on your period (+important author's note)

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In honor of most of my readers being of the uterus having variation, here we have the dreaded and long awaited period headcannons! (author's note at bottom, stupid and annoying ik but it feels important) 

Obi-wan - he would take good care of you ofc, makes you hot tea, sits with you and reads, basically sweet stuff all round.

Rex - ok so this relates to my headcannon that the clones kind of have no idea about periods because no one ever told them, so he kind of has no idea what to do </3 poor guy freaks out and buys you every single pad/tampon/whatever in existence and spends the entire time doting over you, he also 1000% is constantly asking Kix questions in a panic. 

Ahsoka - as a fellow period haver™ she knows the struggle is real, to be honest you guys probably spend so much time together that you've synced up, so you both snuggle up on the couch, pop on a movie and just fight through it together </3 

Luke - this absolute angel would spend the whole time heating up your heat packs and baking you little treats, just treating you like a princess. 

Leia - as was the case with Ahsoka, she is a fellow period haver™ and therefore you've probably synced up, and will spend the week just checking in with each other any chance you get, making sure the other has had any meds that they might need, efficient couple things. 

Din - as your fave touch starved tin can he would become your heat pack, like who needs one when you have Din the human heater??? he also panic buys every type of pad/tampon or whatever because he wants to make sure he has the right one. 

Cassian - another human heat pack, spends the week cuddling with you on the couch, and he would make sure to get you little gifts and stuff to cheer you up because seeing you smile is very important to him! 

Cal - this man has no idea what he's doing- he was basically raised by the clones and his master before the whole order 66 thing, so he's not exactly experienced, but he does what he can, and there are hugs all round, he asks Cere and Merrin what to do at first, and eventually becomes an expert- king shit. 

Poe - he would cuddle SO. MUCH. mostly because he can get away with it more than usual, because he knows that although you don't show it, his incessant cuddling does make you feel better. 

Hunter - OH. MY. LORD. Hunter would actually be such a blessing to have around when you're on your period, mostly because he can tell when you're about to get it, he would initially be in a similar boat to the rest of the clones, but he'd get tech to do some research, and he'd ask you, and would treat you like a queen <3 

Ok time for the stinky authors note, sorry guys. 

So there's good news, ok news, and bad news. Bad news is that updates will be slowing down on this book </3 ok news is that requests will still be open and I do not intend to shut the book down at all, the good news, is that the reason that updates are slowing is because *drumroll* I have a new project in the works!!!!! Sadly it isn't Star Wars related, but here's some info on it if you're interested;

It's gonna be a Dead Poets Society book! Neil Perry x Reader/OC to be more specific, I'm super excited to be doing it, and I have high hopes for it, just keep an eye on my profile in the coming weeks... 

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