#3 Cassian Andor

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A short one- the character (we'll call her Myra, but as per usual you can just sub in your own name) is caught up worrying about her old friend Cassian, he disappeared a few days ago after an- incident, and now the empire are trying their best to hunt him down. she's sat at her window reminiscing when something catches her by surprise-

Fingers crossed this isn't terrible- 

~890 words 


It feels like it's been years since I last saw him- 

The feds had just come to my house, they've been interviewing all of Cassian's friends, so it figures i'd be next. Poor Maarva has been practically fading away from worry, this kind of stress can't be healthy at her age; they've been interviewing her non-stop, although until they have solid reason and evidence to believe she actually knows where Cassian is they can't really do much. 

Now I'm sat at my windowsill, there's a slight misty rain washing over the town which blurs the view through the transperisteel- I see some kids running about in the haze, it reminds me of the days that me and Cassian would spend running about, kicking around old pieces of scrap.
I can practically feel the gravel beneath my feet, and hear his huffy laugh-

I kick the small piece of scrap right into the shaggy looking goal we've fashioned out an old door frame and some net bags. 

"Yes! that's 6-3 to me Cass!" I exclaim with a wide grin spread across my slightly grubbied face. 

"Hey what do you mean 6-3?! I scored one just before! That puts us 6-4!" 

"Sorry what was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of me kicking your-"

"watch that language Myra! I doubt your parents would be happy to hear that you're teaching Cassian any unsavory language!" Maarva scolds from her chair just out the front of the house.

"Sorry Maarva!" I call back

"What was the word you were going to use?" Cassian whispers to me with a sheepish grin.

"That's for me to know, and you to never find out." I tease, poking my tongue out at him.

"Oh please? I need to know so I don't accidentally use it!" he attempts to reason with me, but I'm not swayed.

"I think you'll live Cassi." 

I smile fondly at the memory, we were only 16, we thought we were so big and mature, and now look at what's happening- Cassian on the run who knows where- he might not even be alive, none of us would know- I never even got to tell him- no. I can't think like that, he would want me to be optimistic. 

Even after trying to convince myself to hold out hope I still feel so weighed down- my eyes start to brim with hot tears, one makes its' way over the edge, down my cheek, finally landing on the blanket wrapped around my lower body. 

I sit in silence for a while, listening in to the low hum of the lamp above my head. there's a crack of thunder, and the lights flicker, I sit up a little straighter at this- slightly unnerved. 

Just as I'm starting to relax again I hear a knock at the door- that's odd, the feds are annoying and all, but they normally only come once a day. 

I walk to the door, abandoning my warm spot on the windowsill. I crack the door open- 

"Cassian?!" I almost jump out of my skin. 

"Myra-" his voice cracks slightly as he rushes inside, and wraps me in a tight hug, absolutely drenching my doormat, and me, in the process, but I barely even notice, too overwhelmed by his sudden presence.

"Where have you been? Everyone has been worried sick-" I whisper-yell at him, then, my tone softens as I bury my face in his neck "I was worried sick, I- I thought I'd lost you." 

"I am so sorry-" his breath hitches as he looks down at me, noticing the tear tracks on my face. "listen- I can't stay here long, I'm leaving tonight, I have a ship- will you come with me?" 

"Cass I- I'm sorry I think I just need a second to process all this." 

"That's ok, should we sit down for a minute?" he starts fussing with some pillows and blankets on my couch.



"I'll go- but- you have to promise me, swear on your life, that once this is over you'll stop."

"Stop what?" he asks, genuinely confused.

"Stop all of this running around- I just want things to go back to how they were- when we were younger, just spending our days messing around, nothing to worry about." I sniff and tears start to brim again.

"Oh Myra- I'm so sorry, I never meant for any of this to happen- I promise, we'll get through this- where we're going we can build a life for ourselves- we can be happy- together." 


"Together. We were always stronger that way."

"Come here you ass." I mumble, beckoning him over, he wraps his arms around me once again.

"Ah- ah- that's a bad word." he jokingly chastises me.

A pause.

"Cass?" I look up at him, he hums questioningly in response. "I missed you, so much." I say, barely a whisper, as I place a soft kiss to his left cheek. 

"Oh." he realizes, after all these years, the thing I've been trying to tell him this whole time. 

"Together, right?" 



OK so the end of that was kinda iffy but in my defense this is my first time writing something like this. Hope you enjoyed! (also at the time of writing this I've come to realize this book is #5 in andor, which means it's probably a good thing i finally did a Cassian oneshot </3) please feel free to comment/interact (pls I need to know what people think) and yeah, peace and love and all that! 

(edited for some spelling and stuff </3 ) 

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