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OK SO the new star wars book is out, it's called Free Fall (title may change) and it's about Rex and an OC Lenora. I'll leave a sneaky little synopsis down below if you're interested...

Free Fall - Book 1 begins in season 4 of the clone wars, it finds Rex, Lenora, and their friends about to head to a life changing battle- (if ykyk) Lenora has been plagued by nightmares as of late. The nightmares have been foggy, but one thing is clear. Something is going to happen to Fives.

Join our characters as they search for answers to a conspiracy that is bigger than anyone could have realised.

The Free Fall series will have multiple books, I'm not sure how many yet, but I have at least three confirmed. The first is obviously Rex and Lenora, the second will most likely be from the perspective of Hunter and another OC, and the third will be Ahsoka and (another OC) Kie'sha.

Anyway, back to your scheduled reading. Peace and love <3

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