- a surprise to be sure

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but a welcome one 

ok so i have 2 really good requests that i just got (super exited to do them they're really cool) but they're probably gonna take a while so here's something a bit different from my usual style to tide you over <3 

how they would react to you unexpectedly kissing them (ON THE CHEEK OK?? ALSO IT'S NOT UNWANTED BECAUSE HARASSMENT IS NOT OK WE DO NOT CONDONE) 

Obi-wan - he would be shocked to say the least- and would probably freeze up, about a thousand thoughts running through his head at once, probably along the lines of 'oh my force the council will kill me' 'there goes my reputation', but then he'd cave and bring you in for a hug, you'd talk about it later... 

Rex - goes absolutely beetroot red, stuttering mess, trips over himself, basically loses all former composure and you have to wave your hand in front of his face to snap him out of it, after which he completely crushes you in possibly the tightest hug you've ever felt in your life. 

Ahsoka - she would blush a little but knowing her she would keep her signature smirk right on her face and return the favor.

Luke - dude he would melt in a heartbeat, no thoughts, head empty, he would just slowly stare off into the distance, his mouth slightly agape. 

Leia - she'd kiss you right back, and probably make a big deal about it for the next week or two. 

Din - at an outside glance he would look cool, calm, and collected, but under that helmet he is redder than a tomato and on the verge of tears (happy ones ofc).

Cassian - he would go wide eyed, but does well to hide it by burying his face in your neck, and snaking his hands around you (sly mf).

Cal - he would FREAK OUT, in a good way, he'd be a stuttering mess and would not hear the end of it from greez and merrin for weeks.

Poe - nah because he would tell the whole damn base about it, there wouldn't be a soul in the resistance that didn't know, because Poe is big headed and wants everyone to know how cool he is (we love him for it though).

so that was quite a bit further into the romance aspect than i would normally go- i'm trying my best to make it ok but please do tell me if it's a bit bad (also birdkicker27 I promise your request is coming thanks so much for it, I really hope it'll be up to standard, also, I am in love with your username it's amazing) (update: it's out :0) 

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