request - Cal Kestis

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got this gem of an anonymous request: "blah blah cals backstory blah blah OH NOOO" "*smoochie* "wait.. we can't do this... its too dangerous!" "b-b-b-b-b-b-" "GRRR IM SORRRY... i have to leave.." "NOOOO""

not entirely sure i can follow the request exactly to the T but i'll do my interpretation of it lmao. also this is going to be *drumroll* a Y/N thing!! (help- this is going to suck i'm sorry) I've had a bunch of anonymous requests to do some y/n stuff, sooo here it goes- (also sadly i've only played fallen order, not survivor, so if this was asking for a like FULL IN DEPTH backstory thing, idk if this is it, but i'll do my best with my knowledge (i would watch a play through but i intend to play it myself at some point and i want to go in blind)) 

warnings: badly written angst <3 

~1000 words


Cal's POV 

the blaring sirens fill my ears, master Tapal is pushing my into an escape pod as he fends of the troopers that we once trusted with our lives. How could they?! How could they just turn on us like that?! I watch, my feet glued to the floor, as another shot rings out, and my master falls to the ground just before the doors close.

I can't hear anything, my ears are full of a violent churning sound. Suddenly the scene changes, I'm at the scrap yard, a droid buzzes overhead, but again, I am unable to hear anything over the mess of sound filling my head. 

The scene changes again, and I am forced to watch as Prauf is stabbed by the second sister- Trilla Suduri- I try to step forward to do something but my feet are still locked in place- 


The voice sounds familiar, but it doesn't belong here? 


Where's that coming from? 

"Cal! Wake up!"

I wake up with start, nearly clashing heads with Y/N in the process. 

"Cal are you ok? You were tossing and turning- and then you started mumbling, and it got louder and louder- I- we were really worried."

"I'm fine, just had a bad dream, that's all." 

Y/N's POV 

"Cal you and I both know that wasn't 'just a bad dream', and I'm not leaving until you can at least say you're ok without lying through your teeth, so cut the bantha fodder and tell me what's going on." 

"Ok, maybe it was worse than just a bad dream, but I- I'm not ready to talk about it just yet." Cal backs away from me slightly. 

I note his behavior and lighten my approach. 

"That's fine, I'm sorry I was so pushy, do you want to talk at all? do you want me to leave? do you need anything else?" 

"No, no it's fine... could you maybe just- stay here for a bit?" He looks up at me failing to hide the pleading look in his eyes. 

"Alright, just let me know when you're ready to face the others, they're all out there waiting." I say as I move closer to the distressed ginger, pulling him into a comforting hug. 

We sit there for a while, pressed together as we take in each other's warmth, eventually, I look up at Cal, and he glances back at me, slowly I lift my hand and rest it on the side of his face, his eyes flicker shut. I press a short quick kiss to his forehead. 

His eyes open with a start. 

"Y/N- I-"

"Oh Cal I'm so sorry, I completely forgot-" I continue to blabber out apologies as he sits there taken aback by what just transpired. 

"Y/N listen-" He tries to get out before I subconsciously cut him off 

"I have to go help Greez with some repairs- it's fine, this never happened alright? see you around!" I leave to find something else to do, not looking back to Cal for fear of upsetting him further. 

Oh force why did I do that? He and Cere have both told me about the code many times before- I should have known better. Great going Y/N, you've done it this time. 

"Y/N? What's going on, you look like a wreck." Merrin questions, blunt as ever. 

"Nothing, just caught up in my thoughts." I answer lamely.

"Right... I saw Cal walking out of his room looking like a lovesick puppy before, that wouldn't have anything to do with it would it?" She raises an eyebrow.

"I- I- uh- uhm-" 

"Never mind, the point is he's looking for you-" she's cut off by someone entering the room behind us. "speak of the devil, good luck." she smirks as she strides out of the room. 

"Hey." Cal says, breaking the awkward silence that had fallen over the room.

"Cal- I-"

"Before you get started on that again, I should say you don't have to apologize, I really don't mind." he cuts me off with a slight smile.

"But the jedi code-" I try to interject.

"Hasn't really been at the forefront of my mind, given the circumstances." he finishes my sentence for me. "Listen, Y/N, I understand that you're only trying to respect the order's traditions and such, but did you ever think that maybe I wouldn't be as adherent to their code? I mean I've never exactly been a model jedi-" 

I sit there with my mouth slightly agape as he explains himself.

"And with that being said, even if I was upset, which I'm not, it would only be because you cut me off before I had the chance to explain myself."

"And what would you have to explain?" I ask, my volume having dropped to barely above a whisper, my stomach fluttering nervously. 

"That I love you, and your actions back there kinda saved me from having to figure out a way to tell you."

If my jaw could be on the floor right now it would be, Cal takes a step forward and takes my hands in his. 

"So, we gonna do this again sometime?" he smiles.

"What, fumble about, misinterpreting signals from the other person?"

"Hey! I interpreted things fine, you're the one that freaked out on me." 

"Fine, you win this round Kestis, I actually do have to help Greez with some repairs though, do you know where he is?" I divert the conversation 

"He's outside I think." 

As I turn to leave he grabs my shoulder and turns me back to face him, and promptly places a kiss on my left cheek. 

"You didn't really think you could get away without any payback did you?" he pats me on the cheek and walks out of the room leaving me stunned and several shades redder than normal. 

"Damn you Kestis..." I mumble as I walk outside. 


OKKKK so I hope that wasn't the worst thing ever, i've kinda had slight writers block as of late so that took way longer to get done than it should've, hope you enjoyed, peace and love <3 

(unedited again sorry guys </3) 

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