request - Ahsoka Tano

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got an actually awesome anonymous request; "Can u do like ashoka x padmes handmaiden or something. idk if u do third person or y/n but ashoka starts to notice a girly who works for padme and is super smart and loyal and is very inloved in the war but very loyal to padme" 

to whoever requested this i literally love you this is such an awesome idea i really really hope i can do it justice <3 (also gonna start putting warnings on these, mostly cringe warnings lmao but yeah) 

warnings: fluff, very slight angst, not much else ngl, possibly some self-discovery, but that's not really a warning- also, me testing out a new writing style (again :p) 

~900 words 


Her name was Cerria Horne. But that was irrelevant right? 

She was just another face on the streets of Coruscant, just trying to make ends meet. That was until she was approached one day by a mysterious man, he insisted that she drop everything and come to work for the senator of Naboo. She accepted without hesitation, anything to get away from the path she was headed down.

Working for senator Amidala was a blessing, Cerria Horne was no longer 'just another face', she had a purpose, serving the Republic, and more importantly, Padme. Although Cerria would be the last to admit it, the senator had become a sort of mother figure to her, kind and nurturing, she understood that as much as Cerria was a capable young woman, she was indeed very young, only fourteen at the time, but, she was headstrong, a fighter, hardworking, and exceedingly loyal. 

It was hard work to be sure, but Cerria never minded. Padme needed information on the possible species they may encounter on their next diplomatic mission to an outer rim planet? on it. Padme needed a double to go to a charity ball in her place, just in case there was another attempt at an assassination? executed without question. Padme needed someone to stand watch at the door as she discussed battle plans with a certain jedi general? well, there were some knowing looks exchanged there, but again, the task was completed, and no, Padme's 'meetings' with the general were not mentioned to anyone. 

After a little over a year of working under Padme, they were sent on a mission in the outer rim, a scouting mission to set up a small outpost for the Republic forces to use as a stopover. There the pair met with a familiar face, Anakin Skywalker, Padme's beloved jedi general, but that wasn't Cerria's business. Also there was Skywalker's Padawan, a Togruta girl. 


Her name was Ahsoka Tano. That was very relevant. 

Ahsoka Tano had grown up at the Jedi temple, learned the ways of the jedi, but right now, a certain one of the many rules she had been taught in her youth, had managed to slip her mind. 

She could physically hear her master calling her name from next to her, yes, but mentally? Nothing. Her head was suddenly rather full, completely drowning out any input that might come her way; 

Wow she's really cool. does she think I'm cool? I really hope she does. Wait why do I care? I'm probably just intimidated. keep your cool Ahsoka, she's just looking at you- wait she's looking at me? Oh no! I was staring! What if she thinks I'm weird! Hold on. I am panicking way too much over this. Calm down Ahsoka- 

Skywalker could feel the jumbled mess that was going on in his padawan's head, even without the help of the force, he poked her shoulder, and gave her an all-too-knowing look as she snapped out of it and immediately fumbled her way over to the pair that they were here to meet. 

The four had their introductions, and set about finding a good location to set up camp. 

Later that night the group were just finishing their meals as they heard a twig snap somewhere behind them, all of them could feel the hairs on their necks raise uncomfortably. There wasn't supposed to be anything dangerous, or at least nothing they couldn't handle, out there, but nonetheless the rest of the night was spend in a paranoid silence, occasionally broken by the low howl of a Kath hound, which really only served to increase the tension. 

Soon the clouds began to cover the moons, leaving the group without much in the way of light, as the fire had been put out by a short spurt of rain, which had also made it too wet to re-light it. Suddenly, there was another twig snapped just near Ahsoka. Cerria was surprisingly the first to react, grabbing a blaster and shooting into the dark, clearly hitting something as later a thud was heard, she silently went over to check it, as everyone else sat there trying to process what had just transpired. 

It turned out that the whole night, a bounty hunter had been watching the crew, waiting for the right moment to strike, and Cerria had, luckily, acted quick enough to prevent this. 

Something had changed in Ahsoka that night, she couldn't quite place her finger on it, but her feelings for Cerria had developed into something completely foreign to her, she wasn't quite sure what to make of it.
She felt crazy saying it but, she seemed to have developed feelings towards Cerria that, as far as she was aware, she was only supposed to feel towards boys? 

Ahsoka Tano was utterly confused. 


to be continued????? 

to the absolute saint that requested this, i hope it was up to standard, i absolutely LOVED this premise, and ngl i will probably do a part 2 whether people want it or not because like- aah?!!?!!??!? so fun?!?!?! also writing this felt like a service to Ahsoka, as my gay awakening she holds a special place in my heart. anywayyy with that aside, hope you enjoyed, please comment or vote if you feel so inclined, peace and love <3 

(oh also this was unedited don't come at me please </3) 

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