- insecurities of yours that they actually love

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as per usual, title says it all, this is a little sappy but i know that some people find comfort in these kind of things, also ngl these guys would love any and all things about their partners, but these are just little things i think they would appreciate <3 

Obi-wan - stomach rolls, they're a completely natural thing, and he loves that, he loves the way they make an appearance when you bend over to grab something and just yeah, love. 

Rex - scars, (no not that kind) like little bumps on your knees from when you scraped them as a kid, a little scar on your hand from when you hit it on a door, or maybe a scar from a surgery long ago, he just loves that each little one holds a memory. 

Ahsoka - stretch marks, she loves that they show how much you've grown, plus, they look like lightning, which is sick as hell in her (extremely correct) opinion <3 

Luke - wonky teeth, he loves how they make your smile unique.

Leia - rounder cheeks, she would love how they fill out your face, and she would pinch them affectionately all the time <3  

Din - your hands, whether they be small and stubby or long and spindly, or if you have an annoying skin condition that means your palms sweat excessively (hyperhidrosis girlies represent, also am i projecting again? noooo no wayy wdymmmm) he just loves holding them because he's a big softie <3 

Cassian - lack of a thigh gap, he'd love the way your thighs touch and squish together, thick thighs save lives man, they're cute asf. 

Cal - your nose, he'd love the way it scrunches up when you cringe, or just the way it compliments your features. 

Poe - hip-dips, honestly doesn't really need an explanation but i mean he for sure thinks they're cute af, and, well, (i hate that i'm saying this, but it's true) he's an ass guy... 

yeah sorry that was a bit corny but like, i think there's people that need to hear it, hope you enjoyed, peace and love <3 

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