request - C-3PO

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this is a request from karnaksdreamoflife, it isn't exactly my usual style but I hope it's still up to standard, the prompt was also vague but hopefully you can see the vision? anyway enough rambling, enjoy. (also I'm trying out some 3rd person stuff, dunno if it'll stick but we'll see).

the character (Pia Groven, you know the drill, sub out the name if you want) is a part of the rebel alliance, she is sent on a mission to retrieve some key information on a new weapon that the empire is producing and is accompanied (much to her annoyance) by a certain shiny gold droid. 

~950 words (sorry it's a bit short </3) 


Pia Groven  works alone. 

At least that's how it was supposed to be, until Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar pulled her aside one day, briefing her on her latest mission, Pia was to play the part of a self-absorbed senator on Coruscant, there she would make contact with a man only known by the ISB as 'axis', he was to give her information on a hushed up rumor of a weapon, they had no idea if the rumor was true, but any information counted right? The brief was interesting to say the least, but not the worst she'd heard, that was untill Mothma spoke up.

"You'll be taking a protocol droid with you, you'll need to have something to store the information on, and you can't exactly take an astromech with you without attracting some unwanted attention."

Pia nodded, a slight frown on her face "alright, but since when did we have any of our protocol droids available to go on missions? aren't most of them working their wires thin?" 

"Princess Leia has kindly decided to lend us her protocol droid-"

"Oho no-" Pia had heard many stories from Leia, and others in the rebel alliance, of this droid, and his habit of running his mouth. 

"Groven- Pia, please, this mission is of the utmost importance, I know C-3PO has somewhat of a reputation as- well- a blabbermouth, but he's the best chance we have at this."


And that's how Pia Groven ended up sat in a J-type star skiff, with C-3PO sat in the co-pilot seat rattling off some facts about the Coruscant political climate.

"and so senator Organa has been trying to push for some more accepting-"

"Threepio please." Pia interrupted "I understand that you're trying to help but I really need to focus on finding the meeting point with the contact. If you want to make use of our time you could go and check the ship's schematics for any leaks, breaches, or attempts at communication?" She attempted to reason with the jittery droid.

"Brilliant idea miss! I'll do that immediately!" the droid shuffled off to the ships holotable and began his assigned task. 


"Threepio buckle in, we're about to exit hyperspace." Pia called from the cockpit.

"Coming Mistress Groven!" C-3PO shuffled over and sat in his seat 

As the pair made their way to the hotel room later that morning, Pia's comm began to beep, she quickly ducked into an alleyway to answer it, Threepio however had not gotten the memo, and swiveled around madly searching for his Mistress.

"Mistress? Mistress Groven? Where have you gone?" He then clanked over into the alleyway, where he found Pia deep in conversation with the person on the other side of the comm.
"Mistress Groven! There you are, I feared that you had perhaps gotten lost-"

"Shhh!" She hissed "Sorry sir, yes- yes that works for me- yes- I'll see you there." She spoke into the comm.

"Many apologies Mistress Groven, if I may ask, what was that about?" The droid questioned.

"The mission has had a slight change, we're going to have to meet the contact as soon as possible, we'll go now, get the information, and then get out. That means you are going to have to be as fast and stealthy as you possibly can alright? We cannot let this information escape us." Pia huffed exasperatedly. 

"Of course Miss Groven, you know this does remind me an awful lot of a mission I went on during the beginnings of the clone wars where-" 

"That also means you'll have to lose the blabbermouth shiny." Pia said rather losing her composure. 

"Yes of course, my apologies." 

The pair made their way down into the lower levels of Coruscant, twisting and turning corners untill they finally came face to face with a stranger in a hood that obscured their face leaving only the vague outline of the lower half of their face. 

"I take it you're the contact I'm to inform?" the man said, his gravelly voice telling Pia he wasn't one to be messed with.

"Yes. Do you have the chip?" The man proceeded to pull the chip out of an inside pocket of his jacket. 

"Hold on." Pia questioned, "How do you know that it's me?" 

"Well no one dressed like you would be crazy enough to come down here, and your employer informed me about your rather recognizable droid."

"I guess that adds up, just hand the chip to Threepio and we'll be on our way."

The man took a step towards the droid, who took it as his invitation to speak up, despite the rest of the conversation having been in hushed voices the droid piped up as it introduced itself.

"Hello! I am C-3PO human cyborg relations-" Pia quickly slammed a hand over his mouth, glancing around to make sure no unsavory characters had noticed them. 

"Thank you sir, we'll be on our way now." The man nodded 

"Be careful, may the force be with you." he added the last part more hushed. 

The woman and the droid wound their way back up the levels of Coruscant with little trouble, reached their ship, and entered hyperspace, all in complete silence. 


"Yes mistress?"

"Never pull anything like that again." Pia said sternly, although a smile slipped its way onto her lips. 


ok sorry about that ending i was really struggling to find a good way to end it, anyway hope you enjoyed, peace and love <3  (not spell checked :/ ) 

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