Chapter 27- I'll be Back

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Daryl's POV:

It's been a couple of days since we went on the scouting mission. We got back and I went to talk to Rick. He said that we would go again in a couple of days to see if we could get closer. Right now I'm laying in bed watching Lauren sleep. She looks so peaceful. Not a trace of worry on her face or a frown line vissiable. She always looks beautiful but right now she looks flawless.

It's still very dark outside so I still have a couple hours of sleep. I just haven't managed to get comfortable yet. I stretch a little and then pull Lauren close to my chest. I nuzzle my face into her neck and fall asleep almost instantly.

When I wake up Lauren is still alseep. I slowly pull away from her so I can see her face. She still looks flawless. I climb out of bed because I need to go see Rick and tell him about my plan.

Laurens POV:

When I wake up there is sunlight streaming through the window and the bed is empty. I've grown used to waking up to Daryl being gone. Ever since we've had Ethan he's always gone before I wake up. I stretch out my legs and get out of bed as quietly as I can. I move quickly but quietly to get ready.

As I finish getting ready I hear Ethan start to cry. I walk over to him and pick him up. He's deffinatley getting bigger. I get him ready and grab a couple od diappers, wipes, and a change of clothes for him. I walk doown stairs and to the nursery. I open the door and Carl and Lori are in there.

"Hey guys!" I call

"Good morning Lauren!" Carl says and runs over to give me a hug

"Lauren." Lori says

"I'm here to drop him off. I have gaurd duty with Daryl until tonight. So I'll be back to get him then." I hand him over to Lori.

"Carol should be in here whenyou get him but I'll let her know you'll be by late tonight." She smiles

"Alright, well I'm off!" I smile at Lori and give Carl one more hug.

I make my way out of the nursery through the living room and outside. I see that Shane and Andrea are still standing gaurd both of them look tired. They must hear me coming because they both turn and look at me. Andrea gives me a small smile as I come closer to them.

"I'm here to take over you guys go ahead and get some sleep."

They both thank me and head into the house. I'm alone for a while just standing consumed in my own thoughts. Thinking about how things used to be when I hear someone walking up behind me. I turn to see Daryl.

"Hey." He says

"Hey yourself. What took you so long?" I question

"I had to talk to rick."

"About what?" I question again

"Don't you worry your pretty little head about it. I'll let ya know later." He grabs me and brings me in for a hug.

I love how sweet and affectionate he is when no one is around. We stand just holding each other for a few minutes. We finally let go and smile at each other before silence falls over us and we go back to watching.

"Lauren?" Daryl says a while later

"Yes?" I turn to look at him

"Me and Rick are going on a run tomorrow."

"What? Why?" I'm confused now

"We have some things we need and me and Rick are going to take care of it. It shouldn't take longer then a day. Nothing to worry over." He tries to assure me

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