Chaper 17- Bent not broken

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Laurens POV:

Daryl walked closer to me and grabbed my face. He looked me deep in the eyes and said

"Stop day dreaming and pay attention."

"Seriously!? Get yer nasty hands off of me ya jerk!" he started laughing.

I smacked his hands away and walked back towards camp. I was so done with hunting and I was only out here for thirty minutes.

"What are you doing Lauren?"

"What does it look like I'm doing!?"

"I'm not really sure." he was being sarcastic.

"I'm walking away from an idiot I never wanted to see or speak to you again after what happened!" I started walking faster.

"Lauren will ya just let it go already?"

I stopped abruptly and turned around.

"Let go of what exactly?" I kept a huge distance between us.

"I didn't do anything wrong. And if I did......"

I waited for him to continue but he just liked at me.

"Oh yeah you did nothing at all. Out was all my fault that my heart got broken. That I feel in love with my best friend who never loved me back! Was our whole friendship just a lie  or what? Because I was so confused after I left. I thought that Just maybe you had felt the same way but I guess it was just I  my head. It was a lie and I don't plan on trying to fix it so I'm walking away now. I'm to broken. Things in my life have just completely broken me and I'm done trying to pick up the pieces. Every time I put a piece back another one falls. I'm so done." I poured my heart out and then feel to the ground crying.

I just sat there on the forest floor tears pouring down my face and Daryl just stood there frozen. It took him a couple of minutes to snap out of it and he came over and wrapped his arms around me. It felt so right like this was where I was meant to be. Like in his arms nothing could ever hurt me and I would always be safe. But I knew it was just a lie. Just a stupid feeling.

"D-dont say that. I'm sorry." Daryl whispered quietly as he held me and played with the ends of my hair.

"But i-it's t-the truth." I whispered in between sobs.

He pulled away slightly and held me at arms length. He looked into my eyes and my tears slowed. His thumb brushed over my check and wiped away the tears. He continued looking into my eyes as if trying to prove a point.

"No. No that's not the truth. You're not broken because you're too strong to be broken. You may be bent but never broken. You've never given up and you won't stop now. I'm here now and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon. Lauren I...... I love you."

He pulled me close again as tears started pouring down my face. Everything he just said made me want to keep trying. I love him. I've always loved him and nothing will ever change that. I pulled from him and wiped my face. He stood up and helped me off the ground.

He looked me in the eyes and smiled. He leaned in closer and his lips meet mine. My stomach erupted with butterflies and fireworks. I smiled into the kiss and then soon pulled away. He put his forehead against mine and I looked up at him.

"I love you too Dixon."

A/N- ahhhh they finally kissed! Sorry its short but the next chapter will be a long one! Hope you enjoy!! I also just want to add in a quick thank you to everyone reading this book. I was actually thinking about removing it a while ago because I didn't like it. But, I've gotten a lot of reads and votes lately so thanks everyone!!

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