Chapter 4~ Bestfriend Lost

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This whole chapter will be a flashback in Laurens POV


I can't believe I'm moving away. I'm leaving my best friend all alone. But he just doesn't know it yet. I plan on telling him later when I go over to hang out. I hope he doesn't get mad at me.

In leave the house and walk down the long road to the Dixon's house. I hope their dad isn't home. I've seen what he can do and I've got caught in to once and after that I promised Daryl I wouldn't come in if I saw anything that might mean his dad was home.

I didn't see anything so I went and knocked on Daryl's bedroom window. He peaked out and then unlocked the window for me to climb in.

"Why did you look out the window? Someone else come in that way to?" i asked him once I was in.

"No smarty pants no one else comes in my window so shut up." he had a smirk on his face and I was gonna miss it so much.

"Daryl we gotta talk about something serious." I look at my shoes because I don't want to look him in the eye.

"K........ What's wrong Lauren?" he walks closer to me and pulls my face up gently so he can look me in the eye.

"Mom got a new job." I whisper

"That's great news.... Right?"

"It is but, but the job is in um.... It's in The city. So we're moving away. Like two hours from here." I look back down at my feet I don't want to see the pain on my best friends face.

"So your just gonna leave?"

"You act like I have a choice Daryl. I don't."

"Fine then leave. Leave just like everyone else I care about dose." he turns away from me and walks to the other side of the


"I just wanted you to know. But if you want me to go then goodbye Daryl. I'll write you when we get to the city." I start walking to his bedroom door and open it. But just before I close it I tell him one last thing.

"Don't forget me and just so you know...... I love you Dixon." and with that I close the door and walk thru the house to get top the front door. I leave the house and once I'm in the road again I let the tears fall. My best friend didn't even say goodbye and he thinks I want to leave him.

A month went by before I even saw him again but he didn't talk to me. I was putting the last box in the car and then we were leaving. He looked at me shook his head and kept walking. After that day I never saw him again but I wrote him. He never wrote back. I even called Merle once too see how he was doing but he wouldn't say.

So I never knew what happened to him n after I left and I never found out of he loved me back.

Ok so I've been updating a lot but that's not going to happen all the time guys. Anyways I probably won't update until Monday because I have a really busy weekend! But thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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