Chapter 29- I See Fire

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Daryl's POV:

The door opened behind me Rick walked through it.

"Daryl, what's wrong?" He had no idea walkers were surrounding us.

"Walkers." As I said that banging at the door started.

"Crap. We gotta get out of here. Take this." He threw a bag full of supplies at me.

I followed him back through the door he had come through moments ago. It led to a supply room which had an exit door. We made our way put the door to the back of the store but, there was still no way we were going to get back to the car quietly.

"There's no way we can get around them without them noticing us." I said.

"We gotta try. We go that way to the tree line, walk right on the edge move quickly and quietly. We get to the car and we move to the next town." Rick said.

I nodded as we made eye contact. We moved quickly and as quietly as possible over to the tree line. We made our way to the car. But there was a herd of at least fifteen walkers between us and the car. Me and Rick made eye contact and nodded to each other knowing exactly what we needed to do.

We walked towards the walkers weapons drawn ready to fight. I went to the left and Rick went to the right and we started taking them down. I shot three in the head with arrows and then I took out my knife and stabbed three more. I turned to my right to see Rick fighting off two walkers. He was walking backwards and he tripped.

He had his knife in his hand but when he fell he dropped it. One of the walkers fell with him and was now on top of him. He was fighting to keep him off and the other walker was now making a move to get close enough to bite him. I ran over and stabbed the walker in the eye. And then I kicked the other walker off of Rick and stomped on his face.

I reached my arm out to help Rick up and he took my hand.

"Thanks." Rick said

"Yep. We should go." I say not really wanting to be thanked.

"Let's get the bags in the back, and we can head up the road about 10 miles and there's a small town a couple small shops. Might have some good supplies?"

"Alright, let's go."

"So, did you find a ring?" Rick asks

"Uh yeah kinda."

"Well, let me see." He was grinning

I pulled out the ring from my pocket and showed him. I love it. It's perfect for her, a beautiful ring for my beautiful girl.

"It's nice. Good choice." Rick said and patted me on the back

We put the bags he had filled in the trunk of the car and got in the car ourselves and we were on our way to the next stop.

Laurens POV:

I realize that it's not the smartest thing if I go out and check things out but what if the person or people out there aren't good. What if they threaten my family? What if they try and attack us while Rick and Daryl aren't here?A thousand questions about this situation ran through my mind.

I gotta go check it out. I quietly slip out of bed trying not to Wake Ethan. I get dressed and grab my weapons.

I make my way down the hall quietly to Maggie's room because I know she'll stay and watch Ethan for me. I knock on her door and she opens it a moment later.


"Look I need you to go to my room and watch Ethan for me for a little bit. No questions, just do it please?"

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