Chapter 11~ Trash

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Laurens POV:

It was getting dark and everyone wanted to get going but we couldn't because Daryl still wasn't back yet. He went hunting a while ago even though we were getting ready to leave. I was starting to get really worried. I havent felt this worried since I was a kid.

Me and Daryl are sitting in his room with Merle playing uno. We're laughing together and having fun since tomorrow is Merles birthday. Strangely we all get along with each other. Even though Merle is older then me and Daryl.

"Um you may now draw four!" I yell at Merle.

"Darn! You need to stop that princess. I think I get enough cards." Merle said with a smirk.

"Don't call me that and no I don't think you do." I replied.

"Okay, okay guys calm down its just a game." Daryl stepped in trying to stop the fight brewing between me and Merle.

"Baby brother you need to control your friend here." he pointed at me and started laughing.

"Best friend you need to control your brother here." I mimicked Merle.

We all started laughing after that and then Merle started tickling me. I thrashed around and yelled for him to stop and Daryl to help but neither happened. Instead I ended up kicking Daryl in the face.

"Ow!" Daryl screamed as he held his face.

"Oh no no no! Im so sorry!" I went over to him to see he had a bloody nose.

"Ill get something to help." Merle said and walked out of the room.

"I'm sorry Daryl. So, so sorry!"

"Hey it's okay font worry about me I'm tough." he smirked at me and Merle came back in the room.

We got Daryl cleaned up and but everything back where it went. His nose was bruised but it wasn't broken and we got it to stop bleeding.

"Well today was very event-" Merle was cut off by the sound of the front door opening and their dad stepping thru it.

A panicked Daryl and Merle looked at each other then to me. You see their father doesn't like me very much. Him and my father are poker buddies and the last time they played he lost and I duped a tray of drinks on him. He told his sons to stay away from trash like me but they didn't, they stuck by me through thick and thin like always.

Their dad walked into the living room and you could smell alcohol. It was a very strong smell and I could barely take it but I needed to stay quiet. He looked around and saw me, anger immediately took him over.

"Who let that trash in my house!?" he yelled loudly. None of us moved.

"Hello! I asked a question!" he got closer to us but none of us moved from our spots on the floor.

"Fine then no answers. I'll beat 'em out of ya!"

He moves even closer and goes to smack Daryl but I jump in front of him and take the hit instead. The impact is harder than what I planed on and I fly back towards Merle. My cheek stings and I can already tell that its going to bruise.

"Lauren!" Daryl yells and comes over to me.

"That should teach you to come around here!" their dad yelled at me.

I've been thru this multiple times before. When someone is abusive they want power and he's not getting it over me! I looked back at him with a hard glare full of hatred. I started to get up but Daryl pushed me back down and looked at me with pleading eyes. Merle sat back still looking shocked by what just happened.

"Awe look at that. The street rat prince is protecting his trash princess."

After he finished that sentence Merle lunged at him and punched him in the face which made him fall over. When he fell over he hit his head and he blacked out. I was so scared, this was the most scary thing I've ever witnessed. And it was all my fault.

Daryl and Merle decided I needed to leave before their dad woke up. Even though I was planning on staying a couple of days with them. Daryl volunteered to take me back to my house. I would probably have to sneak in since it was late.

We got to my house and Daryl helped me over the fence and I told him that I would be fine and we said our goodbyes. I watched him walk away from my house and I knew that tonight was only getting started. I could still feel stinging on my cheek and I knew my face was going to bruise. But I knew this was nothing compared to what my father could do.

End of flashback****

"Lauren! Hello earth to Lauren! Is anybody there!?" I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone yell.

"Yeah sorry." I smiled shyly at Glenn.

"Are you alright? You've been standing there like a statue for twenty minutes."

"Yeah just thinking about something that happened a long time ago."

"Care to share?" he smiled at me.

"Just the time I almost got into a fight with Daryl and Merles dad."

He looked so shocked I started laughing at his face.

"You knew them before this?" he was still shocked.

"Yep." I said popping the p.

"Wow, I knew I sensed history between you guys." he looked at me confidently.

"Wouldn't doubt it. Have you seen Daryl yet? Has he come back?" I was getting more and more nervous by the minute.

"Nope not yet but he'll be back. Don't worry, he always comes back."

"Not always." I muttered under my breath.


"Nothing! I'll go check on the others." I started walking away from Glenn and towards the cars when I heard something that made me stop dead in my tracks.

"Help Me!"

A/N- So you got some more from the past and I plan on putting more flashbacks in the chapters. I really hope you guys like it!

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