Chapter 28- The Ring

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Daryl's POV:

As we pull away from safety all I can think about is Lauren and Ethan. Never in a million years would I have imagined having her back and now having a child. The only thing I wanted was to get this over with and get back to her.

"Daryl? Did you hear me?" Said Rick from the drivers seat.


"I said I can't believe you brought me out here for a run, just to go get a ring." He repeated smiling

"I mean..." I didn't know what to say

"I'm playing. I remember when I was going to pick out a ring for Lori. We had been dating for a couple of years and we were ser-"

"Okay, okay I don't need flashback moments." I cut in because I just wanted it to be quiet.

"Okay then." Rick was looking at me and laughing because he could see the worry on my face.

We'd been driving for a while before we finally came to the town we had found a couple of weeks ago. When we found it there was barely any walkers and still a large supply of things someone might need. We parked the car and started to make our plans.

"I know you're going to the jewelry store so do I need to come with you or should we split and pick up some too sand medicine?" Said Rick

"Split. We'll be fine meet back at the car in 20?"

And just like that we were headed our separate ways with a gun in Rick's hand and my crossbow in mine.

I finally made it into the jewelry store and looked around for walkers. There were none and I know the door was closed behind me. I moved my attention to the rings and began looking. About ten minutes later and I saw a ring that screamed Lauren. (Picture in the side)

I broke the glass, got the ring and went to walk back to the car. As I approached the car the smell of rotting flesh hit me like a brick wall and if you listened your could her the moans and snarling growls of the dead approaching.

My first instinct was to find Rick, so I took off in the direction he went. I was quietly yelling his name trying to get some idea of where he was but I couldn't find him. I ran into some random store and hoped for the best. I could hear them outside snarling and I hoped they'd pass soon.

Just as that thought went through my mind. The door opened.

Lauren's POV:

We watched the car drive away until we couldn't see it any longer. It broke my heart every time Daryl left but, I knew this was a part of his job and it was his way of helping. My only concern for the next 24-48 hours was is Daryl going to be okay and Ethan.

It's Ethan's nap time so I take him straight up to our room and don't speak to anyone. I changed Ethan's diaper and played him down in bed with me because I decided I should get some rest as well.

I couldn't sleep at all because my mind was going a hundred miles and hour over thinking and over analyzing every single detail of my life.

Later hat night~

Sometime in between thinking I had fallen asleep and when I opened my eyes it was pitch black outside. I genlty moved Ethan to his crib and walked to the window seat. I sat down and stared out the window. It seemed so peaceful and like the world was back to normal for the slightest second.

I had felt a hope soon after this all started that the world would somehow fall back into place and things would just go back to normal. But boy was I way off. I don't even know how long we've been like this and I don't even want to start keeping track of the days.

The days just keep coming and going and I don't think anyone knows that day it actually is or what month, time, or anything for that matter is. Its just a part of this world now. You just don't know anything except how to survive.

Sometime within my thinking I zoned out and wasn't paying attention to anything around me. I was blankly staring out the window. All of a suddem something in the distance by the edge of the woods caught my attention.

Someone had a fire going. And that someone was not one of us.

*** Authors Note***

How did you guys like it? I know I've been MIA for a while but I'm back! I hope you guys are excited to start reading again! Because I'm excited to start updates!!

Anywho that picture of the ring is my aunts real wedding ring and I just absolutely adore it so I used it.
Until next uodat bye guys!!

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