Chapter 26- I love You & I can't Belive you

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Maggies POV:
(new POV yeah!!)

I left Glenn at the gate to keep watch and I left to take Ethan upstairs. I walked throught the the house and up the stairs to Lauren and Daryls room. I pushed open the door and sarted looking for diapers because Ethan needed changed bad. I sat Ethan down in the crib and went to look through his dresser. I found his diapers in the top drawer.

I walked back over to him, picked him up and layed him on the floor. I pulled off his clothes and took off his diaper. I don't know how Lauren can do this it's disgusting. I put on his new diaper and put him in pj's. It was getting dark out and I know he shopuld be in bed soon. Just as I finished zipping up his clothes Glenn walks in.

"Hey Maggs." He says

"Do you need something?"

"Can I stay with you?"

"Yeah just keep it down. I need to put Ethan to sleep."

I go and sit down on the window seat. I wish I had one of these in my room. Glenn walks over and takes a seat across from me. We both stare out the window and I rock Ethan to sleep. Once he's asleep all the way I put him in his crib and take my seat back. A couple of minutes later Glenn leans over and takes my hand.

"I love you."

Unknown POV:

I walk out of my tent to check the fire. I look around me because I have a feeling that I'm being watched. I don't see anything when I look around so I shake it off. I can't belive they haven't found me yet. I know they're coming for me. They've gotta be. They wouldn't give up that easy. Hopefully the group I'm following can help me.

Loris POV:

Oh no. This can't be happening. Not right now. I've got to take care of this. I think of the many diffrent ways to fix this. I come to the conclusion that I can't. What am I gonna do?

I rush down stairs so I can find Rick. He's not in the kitchen or main room so he must be in the council room. I walk up to the door and hessitate to knock. What is he going to think? What is he going to do? All of these questions rush through my mind so quickly I don't even realize that I've knocked ion the door. I hear him say come in and so I do.

My hands are shaking and my heart is beating a mile a minute.

"What's wrong Lori?" He walks over to me

"I've got to tell you something."

"Okay. Go on."

" I-"

"-Lori just tell me." He takes my hands and rubs circles over them with his thumbs.

"I'm pregnant." I whisper

"You're what....?" He takes his hands away and takes a seat

"How do you know?" He asks after a minute

"I took a test." I wrapped my arms around me

"When. When did you take the test?" He's angry I can tell.

"Before I came in here. Rick I'm sor-"

"-Just stop. Stop. I...I need a minute."

"I'm sorry." Now i'm crying. This is not how I wanted this to go.

"I said shut up for a minute. I need to think!" He yells

"I can't belive you." I say and walk out of the room slaming the door and running up to our room.

Daryls POV:

I can't help but keep thinking about that girl on our way back. That hair. I've seen that hair before. I didn't get to see her face but I know I've seen that hair. Not just anybody has that hair.

"Daryl!" I hear and I snap out of my thoughts


"I've been callin your name for five minutes. Ya stopped walking and ya were just standin there." Lauren says

"Sorry. I was thinkin'."

"About what?" She comes close to me

"Nothin' don't worry your pretty little head about it." Is shuffle he hair in her head and she smacks my hand away

"Stop it ya redneck!" She yells laughing

"Stop what?' I ask smiling as I start tickiling her.

She laughs loudly as I continue to tickle her. Her laugh is beautiful. If I could listen to one thing for the rest of my life it would be her laugh.

"Stop it Dixon!" I stop and get off of her and help her off the ground. She pushes me back smiling.

"That was totally not cool."

"But you loved it." I smirk

"Nah. But I love you."

"And I love you too."

"Don't say that." She say shaking her head

"Say what?" I grab the sides of her face

"Too. It makes it sound like you're agreeing."

"Okay. I won't say it anymore." I smile at her

"I love you." She says looking at me with her big beautiful eyes

"I love you."

We both lean into eachother and kiss.

A/N- okay so its not long but new POVS! Let me know if you guys like that? Well I hope you guys like it!!

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