Chapter 15~ Not every story has a happy ending

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**I just wanted to say that in this book Daryl and merle and Carl are younger and Rick and Lori are older keep that in mind**

Laurens POV:

I keep walking through the woods and keep my eyes wandering looking for something to shoot and take back to the group. I continue walking further and further away from camp and deeper into the woods. I feel like someone is watching me so I stop for a moment. I hear a twig snap and I turn in the direction the sound came from.

"Who's there!?" I yelled but not to loud.

I heard more twigs snapping from behind me so I turned around. When I did I was met with a walker and I fell back it landed on top of me. My crossbow had been knocked out of my hand and my knife was out of reach. I was using both of my arms to hold the walker and there was no way I could let go with one and grab my knife. The walker continues to thrash and try and bite me and I'm getting tired of holding it off of me. I start to cry and then I do the one thing I probably shouldnt do. Scream.

The next thing I know the walker is dead and being thrown off of me. I look up and take the hand infront of me to help me up. As I turn to face them I say

"Thanks for helping-- Maggie!?" I run and throw my arms around her.

"Where are the other people you were with?" I hear a voice say from behind me. I turn around and see my uncle Hershel and Beth, I run to them.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask

"The farm got over run and we knew you guys couldn't have gotten that far so we came after you. We were in the truck but it broke down about an hour ago so we've  been walking." Maggie says to me.

"We have to get back. I've been gone for a long time."

"Okay." They all agree

We start walking back and no one said a word. My uncle hershel still looks mad at me for leaving but he'll be over it soon. But Maggie and Beth look over joyed to see me once again. I'm no longer mad at Maggie for not telling me about my brother. She was trying to protect me and I understand that now.

I just really wished he was still here. I miss him even though he wasnt always there. I see the top of the house so I know we're close. We keep walking until were at the gate and Rick sees us.

"What are they doing here?" he asks confused.

"The farm got over run and they started heading after us. Can I talk to you for a sec?" I ask Rick. He nods his head and opens the gate for us to come in.

"What Lauren?"

"Can they stay?"

He pauses for a moment and I start to worry because they may have done stuff in the past but their family.

"Uh........ Yeah they can stay but they will have to pull their own weight and contribute to the group just like everyone else or their gone. Okay make sure they understand that."

"Thank you so much Rick!" I hug him tight.

"Anything for you." he whispers quietly and I dont think I was supposed to hear him.

I brush it off and go over to my family and tell them what Rick said. We walked inside and we were immediately meet with shocked expressions. After the story was explained I noticed Daryl was watching me. Not in a weird creepy way but in a way that was all to firmiliar to me. Just like he used too.

Everyone decided that it was late and we needed to rest up. So everyone went to their rooms and I showed Maggie Beth and my uncle Hershel to rooms they could use. Before I left Maggie grabbed my arm.

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