Chapter 7~ Leave Me Alone

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Laurens POV:

The next day:

I woke up to Sun streaming through the curtains hanging over the window. I rubbed my eyes and stretched my legs. I sat up and put my legs over the side of the bed and winced as pain shot up my leg. I looked down and I could see blood soaking through my pants.

I quickly took them off and looked at the bandage. It was soaked with blood. I took the bandage off and where I was shot was red, swollen, and bleeding. I started to panic because I didn't know what to do. But before I could even yell for someone there was a knock on the door.

Before I could say anything the door opened. Carl walked in and looked at me. Then he looked at my leg.

"Oh my gosh Lauren!" he ran over to me

"Its ok go get Hershel. Carl fast." he took off down the stairs.

Not even five minutes later Hershel, Maggie, and Carl walked in the room carrying all kinds of medical supplies.

"What happened Lauren?" Uncle Hershel asked.

"I don't know but can you just fix it and leave please?" I said softly and quietly.

"Lauren I'm so sor-" Maggie started to say but I cut her off.

"No. Just fix it and leave." I say as calm as I can.

No one speaks after that except for when Hershel tells Carl he should go. They clean and bandage my wound.

"You should stay off of it for a while. I'll send Carl back up if you want." Hershel said.

I just shook my head yes and he left with Maggie behind him. She paused at the door and looked at me with guilty eyes. I just turned away from her and she left. I'm mad that she didn't tell me but I won't be mad forever. I just need time, I understand she didn't know how to tell me but it still hurts.

The door opens again and Carl walks in with a worried expression.

"Hey don't look so sad. I'm fine." I say and he smiles at me.

"Promise?" he asks

"Yeah, promise." I pat the bed and he comes and sits in front of me cross legged.

"Carl, I need to ask you something."

"What Lauren?"

"Can you ask your dad if I can stay in your camp with you guys? Do you think he would let me?"

"I can talk to him and ask him to talk to you and no I don't think he would. I think it would be fun to have you around."

"I think it would be fun to." I reach out and ruffle his hair.

"Hey! What was that for?" he asks while laughing and putting his hair back in place.

"Um because I can!" I say laughing at him.

We sit there for a couple of minutes laughing at each other until there's a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yell out of breathe.

Rick walks in the door and gives us a questioning look.

"Whats so funny?" he asks with a smile

"Nothing!" me and Carl say at the same time.

"Okay then. Carl I came to tell you that lunch is ready. Lauren your welcome to come too if you want to join us?"

"Yeah sound like fun. But, I'll need help getting out there." I laugh at the end.

Rick nods his head and him and Carl help me outside. They sit me in a chair by the fire and Carl sits beside me. Carol hands each of us a plate and we dig in. Everyone keeps looking at me weirdly and its getting on my nerve. Especially Daryl and Merle.

"Carl?" I say quietly so only he can hear.


"Why dose everyone keep looking at me? Do they not like me?"

"I don't know but, it doesn't matter because me and my dad like you." he says with that cute little smile he always has.

"Okay and thanks. I like you too!" When I say that his checks turn red and he looks back at his food.

"Okay I need everyone's attention." Rick said from the middle of the group.

"I had a talk with Hershel and he wants us gone. What happened yesterday was to much for him and he wants us to leave by the end of the week."

"Where are we suppose to go?" Daryl asked from beside Rick.

"I-I don't know. But we'll find somewhere."

"No. You guys aren't going anywhere! I'll talk to him. He'll listen to me." I speak up because I really don't want them to leave.

"Thank you but I don't think anything you say will change his mind." Rick says back sadly.

"I'll go talk to him right now. Carl  can you help me please." I start to get up and so dose Carl but Daryl stands up and walks over to me.

"You finish eating and I'll help her." he tells Carl.

Carl nods his head and sits back down. Daryl wraps his arm around my waist to help me and I give him a glare. He dissent even seemed phased by it. We start walking I silence back to the house.

"You know I can walk on my own now." I say to him.

"Yeah okay." he replies and let's go of me.

I start walking faster because I want to get away from him. I mean it's not like he tried to stop me last time or anything.

"Stop Lauren. Just stop." he says as he grabs my wrist.

"What. Do. You. Want." I growl at him.

"I know I hurt you but you don't have to act like that!" he yells at me

"Guess what! You did but I'm over it and you did more than hurt me Daryl. You really did and you have no idea! So I'm only going to tell you once. Leave. Me. The. Heck. Alone." I turn and walk to the house and he doesn't move from his spot.

Daryls POV:

"Guess what! You did but I'm over it and you did more than hurt me Daryl. You really did and you have no idea! So I'm only going to tell you once. Leave. Me. The. Heck. Alone." She says bitterly to me and walks away.

I just stands there because I don't know what to do. She can't be that mad at me! She was the one that left. I loved her and she left just like everyone else. I know I should've stopped her that day but I couldn't. Don't ask me why but there was just something in me that wouldn't let me.

"Daryl!" I turn and see Merle standing a couple of get away from me.


"Nothing you're just standing they lookin off into space. Where's princess?"

"You know she hates when you call her that and in the house. Now leave me alone I'm going to hunt."

I walk away from him and go to get my crossbow. I pick it up and walk into the woods to start hunting. I really just needed space so I could think and hunting was the best excuse at the time.

I wonder if she'll ever forgive me?

A/N: Ok so new POV this chapter! I hope you guys like it! Well writing while in the emergency room is no fun so this chapter really sucks. But the next chapter will be better promise!

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