Untitled Part 15

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Nathan heard Georgie call his name but nothing seemed familiar to him.

Georgie reached her arms out for him and he held her close but remembered nothing.

Nathan "Who is this cutie?"

Maxie "My daughter.  I had lost custody of her right before you showed up in Port Charles."

Nathan "How did you get her back?"

Maxie "That's why we are in Portland.  My ex Damien Spinelli and his girlfriend Ellie Trout caused an accident lured me to Seattle tried to kill both of us and shot you in the chest.  The bullet was inches from your heart."

Nathan "I don't remember any of that but it sounds awful.  Were they caught?"

Maxie "Yes a month and a half ago.  My dad was part of the team that took him down."

Nathan "Who is your dad?"

Maxie "Frisco Jones.  He works for the WSB."

Nathan "Never heard of it."

Maxie "We also met a detective here named Isaiah Jamison.  He's a good cop.  He's like you.  Young and very driven.  He won't fall for anybody's crap."

Nathan "I'd be more impressed if I remembered anything about myself."

Maxie "Well I guess now you don't remember your insane family.  That may be a good thing."

Nathan "How is that a good thing?"

Maxie "Almost everyone in your family has committed terrible crimes."

Nathan "Wow.  I just wish I could remember you.  You seem like an amazing woman."

Maxie "Thank you.  You're an amazing man.  It's just a shame you don't remember anything."

Nathan "I wish I could.  This day must be special to us."

Maxie "We met two years ago like I said and made love the first time of many last year."

Nathan "Now that I really wish I could remember."

Maxie "I know you don't remember anything but please know that I love you.  Even if at the moment you don't feel the same way."

Nathan "I'm sure if I remembered you I'd know that."

Maxie "Do you mind me staying with you?"

Nathan "Not at all.  Maybe it will jog something."

Maxie "I doubt it will happen that fast but hey I'll try anything to make it by midnight."

Nathan "Why midnight?"

Maxie "So I could have you back before the new year starts."

Nathan "Well I will try anything."

Maxie talked to him about anything and everything including Levi Spinelli and other past relationships.

None of it did anything.

When she had a moment of her heart rate skyrocketing she was examined. 

Nathan asked why they needed a special monitor.

Doctor "Miss Jones your baby is doing just fine but you need to calm down.  Apparently something is stressing you out.  I don't want to have to sedate you."

Nathan "Baby?  What baby?  Is it mine?"

Maxie "Yes Nathan.  I'm carrying your baby.  I love you and I wish you could remember" leaning over to kiss his forehead.

Nathan had a tiny flash pop into his head.

He saw a room where he was chained to a wall with Maxie.

He then saw a dead body and a kiss.

Maxie leaned over his bed kissing his lips.

This kiss had extra power behind it. 

It was like the baby had become part of the kiss.

Suddenly Nathan flashed more memories. 

It was two minutes until midnight when he yelled out "I love you Mariah Maximiliana Maxie Jones."

Maxie laid next to him and said "Omg you're back!  I love you Nathan West.  I love you so much."

When the clock struck midnight she kissed his lips with such intensity the doctor actually had to stop her.

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