5 : Second Date

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Sterling's POV

"And you didn't know this before?"

"No. She just told me that she moved here because she got a new job but she never mentioned it was with aunt Presley" I explain to my twin. As soon as we were both home I told her everything. I know I wanted this to be unknown but this was all a lot to not talk about it.

"Better not tell ma, or mom, or anyone else actually. They will not react well" Stellan suggests.

"I know. I didn't plan on telling anyone anything anyways. We have only been on one date. I am only talking to you about her because of what I found out today" when it comes to my dating life I am usually a closed book. I have only had one serious relationship before and when I told my parents about it I immediately regretted it.

My moms are the best. I got very lucky to have them as my parents, but they are also really protective. Whenever me and Stellan started dating someone they would want to meet who we were dating. Many times intimidating them or scaring them away. Most of the time my dating periods never made it to the relationship part or more than a week.

If they stuck around to pass my parents, they met my aunts and uncles, then the grandparents. Basically my entire family was very protective of each other. I know it is because of their pasts but we don't know what happened because they won't tell us all the stories.

I think at this point it will be a miracle if any of the cousins get married. Whoever makes it past my family to actually marry one of us has to be brave. Because of this I stopped telling anyone in my family about who I was seeing. I haven't brought anyone home since high school. Seeing as I just met Elliott plus finding out she works for aunt Presley, there is no way I am introducing her to anyone anytime soon.

"So are you still going to go out with her?" Stellan asks.

"Yeah, I mean both ways this could end is a win for me" I shrug.

"How?" she questions.

"Well if things work out then I am dating a successful and independent woman, who they all like already. If it doesn't, then it won't matter because they will not even know that we were dating. Plus she works for aunt Presley not moms"

"Yeah big part being IF they don't find out. You do remember who our family is right?" she laughs.

"I think it will be fine" I have hid plenty from my family before.

"That is what you always say before you get in trouble" my sister laughs as she leaves my room.

I will admit I do not have a good track record of getting away with things. As a teenager I definitely got caught ninety eight percent of the time, but I still had that two percent where I was successful.

As I lay in my bed I begin to really think about things. I know that keeping this a secret isn't going to be easy, but I really want to give this dating thing a chance. I am over the random hookups and meaningless flings. I haven't met someone that I wanted to say yes to a second date to besides Elliott. If I want to see where this goes then I have to keep it a secret.

My thinking is interrupted by a knock on my door. "KJ can I talk to you?" Brooks asks behind the door.

"Yeah, come in" I sit up as my sister walks in. "What's up?"

She comes over to my bed and sits down at the edge. I can tell she is nervous about something. Brooks tends to be a shy kid, but I can always tell when something is wrong or on her mind.

"I, um, I w-want to ask you something. But please don't make it a big deal or anything" she says.

"Um, okay" I move closer to her.

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