Epilogue 1

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Elliott's POV

*Five years later*

Unbelievable, grateful, amazing, loving are the words that come to mind if I were to be asked how my life has been going. There are so many more words that I could say but we would be here for a long time.

Just a small recap of what has happened these past five years. Me and Sterling have celebrated five years of marriage, six in a few months. We have made our house into a beautiful home. Noah has grown into a beautiful little girl. I hope she doesn't keep growing this fast.

Brooks has been at college with this year being her senior year, I miss her a lot. Kade and his girlfriend have gotten engaged. He works with Sterling and his mom at Vanderbilt Enterprises after graduating from Yale like Blair and his sisters did. Stellan got married to her now husband Timothy. He passed the talk like me, but he did come out of it looking a bit worried. Said Stellan was worth doing anything for and they have now been together for four years.

As for me, I have gotten everything I could have dreamed of. A perfect wife, a perfect daughter, amazing parents in laws, great siblings in laws, a family, and a job that I actually enjoy. Working with Presley and Stellan everyday makes it feel like it is not work. I can use the skills that I learned to use for evil, for good instead. I have the life that I know my mom would have wanted for me.

Sitting here in the backyard of our house, Sterling between my legs with her back on my chest and arms resting around my knees, watching our daughter play with her cousin, Hunter, and grandmas.

Hunter is Sterling's uncle Sloane's daughter. I don't know how it happened but I swear Noah and her are twins born from two different people. They are basically the same person. It is great that Noah has someone to grow with. A best friend that is also her cousin. But although they share amazing qualities like kindness, protectiveness, and smarts. They also share the qualities that scare both sets of parents. They are both very adventurous, bold, and have no fear. When they are together it is either very adorable or very scary.

As I watch on I see Drew and Blair start to chase Hunter and Noah around the yard. I know that every single one of our family members loves Noah, but I think her grandmothers love her the most. They would do anything for her. The same love they have for their children is the same they have for Noah. It fills my heart to know that Noah will only ever know love from her family.

"Baby" I hear Sterling say out lightly.

"Yes?" I look away from my daughter to my wife. I love calling her that.

"How would you feel about growing our family?"

I have an excited smile hearing her question. "Babe I would love to grow our family" I lean my lips down onto hers for a soft peck.

"I'm happy that you said that...because I'm pregnant"

"Really?!" I asked with surprise.

"Yes" she smiles wide while nodding her head.

I hug her tightly and kiss her deeply. I am instantly filled with joy. To the point where I do not know how to respond besides kissing and hugging her.

"I love you so much" I pull back. I can't help the tears forming in my eyes. Sterling's hand lays on the side of my face. Both of us probably look like we are smiling like idiots but I don't care.

"Mommy" I hear my angel call out. She is running over to us. Noah leaps into Sterling's arms causing her to fall back a bit which makes me fall back a bit as well but I keep us all up.

"Mommy, why is momma crying?" Noah asks Sterling. Her little innocent voice is very adorable. Her little eyes are looking at me with worry.

"Momma is just really happy" she comforts Noah.

"Happy about what?"

"I'm happy that I can have another one of you" I answer her question.

"Another one of me? Like a clone?" she looks confused.

"No baby" I let out a laugh. "Mommy has a baby in her belly" my hands move to her belly. Sterling eyes look up at me.

"I'm getting a brother or sister?!" Noah's eyes light up. She has been asking for a little sibling.

"Yes, you are going to be a big sister"

"She's going to be what?" I look up to Drew and Blair standing hand in hand in front of us with Hunter beside them.

"I'm pregnant" Sterling smiles. I don't think either of us is going to be able to stop smiling today.

"Congratulations!" their eyes widen and smiles grow. Sterling gets up and I follow. We are met with hugs from Drew and Blair. I lift Noah up into my arms.

How is this my life right now? What did I do to deserve this? Do I deserve this?

I forget about my questions and focus on the now. My WIFE is having another baby. I am going to have another baby. I get to be a mom to another. Sterling is giving me another love. I can never do anything to repay her but I will do everything that I can. I will be a great wife and a great mom.

When Sloane and his husband return from their date night we tell them the good news. They were very excited for us.

The news begins to be spread to the rest of the family throughout the day. Sterling let me tell Brooks. I facetimed her since she was at school. Her and Blake were together so Blake got to hear the good news as well. They both were very happy.

"Wait, you're pregnant?" Stellan asks although we just told her that Sterling is in fact pregnant.

"Yes" Sterling confirms.

"I'm pregnant too!" Stellan says with excitement.

"No way!" Sterling is now as equally as excited.

"We were going to tell you all tomorrow night at family dinner" Timothy tells us.

"We have to tell moms!" they both run off to find their moms. Me and Timothy laugh as we watch our wives filled with joy.

"Congratulations. You are going to be a great father" I tell Timothy.

"Thanks Elliott. I'm really nervous but excited"

"It is a very nerve wracking thing but once you hold your baby all that goes away. You are instantly filled with happiness and warmth. It's hard to explain how it completely feels but once you hold them you will understand"

"Thanks. And congrats to you too. You are a great mom so I know that that baby is lucky"

As we get closer to where Sterling and Stellan ran off to I can hear the cheers. They have told everyone. The rest of the family is going to be freaking out. Everytime a new baby comes into the family we all celebrate. Seeing that twins are pregnant at the same time, things are going to be fun.

I am going to have another baby. I can not stop repeating that in my head. I get another angel in my life. 


I did a time jump for a glimpse into the future/events that aren't going to be in the other books

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