27 : Permission

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Elliott's POV

As Sterling takes Noah in to feed her I take this chance to speak alone with Drew and Blair.

"Can I speak with you both about something?" 

"Yeah of course" Drew tells me. I take a seat on one of the lawn chairs. The nerves begin to hit like a boulder. My fingers are fidgeting with each other.

I have had many talks with both Blair and Drew. Throughout the last couple of months they have been there for me. I never really understood why they forgave me as quickly as they did, but I was extremely grateful. Since coming out of the hospital they let me talk about many things with them. Blair helped me a lot to get through everything my father put me through. I learned that she also had abusive parents. She taught me ways to talk about it and cope with it.

My talks with Drew were more uplifting talks. She taught me a lot about accepting myself and not hiding who I am. She taught me that the right people will love me for who I am not for what I pretend to be. I understand now why Sterling always told me to never hide who I am, her mom always taught her that.

"Elliott everything alright?" Blair asks.

"Did you get her pregnant again?" Drews laughs.

"What, no, I didn't" I answer quickly. "Wait, can that happen?" I ask. I didn't think that I could actually get Sterling pregnant again that fast. "Nevermind. That is not what I wanted to talk about" I get back on track.

"I know. I was just messing with you Elliott" Drew laughs. So that is where Sterling gets it from.

I swallow the lump in my throat. The ability to speak is becoming harder. Why is this so hard? "I, um, want to ask if I could get your permission...to marry Sterling" my words find a way out.

"Elliott, that is very sweet of you to ask, but you don't need to ask us. Sterling is her own person. You don't need our permission" they both smile.

"For what it's worth we both hope she says yes" Blair replies.

"I hope so too" I smile with happiness. "T-this is the ring" I pull the ring out of my pocket.

"You already got a ring?" Drew asks.

"Yes, well I didn't buy it. It was my mother's. I had it cleaned and added a few more diamonds when she forgave me. Do you think she will like it?" they take the ring from my hand. I never told my father that I took this ring. It wasn't my mother's wedding ring, but she wore this ring everyday instead of the one my father got her. She loved this ring.

"It's beautiful Elliott" they smile.

"There is one more thing that I want to ask you both"

"What is it?"

"I want to take Sterling's name. She has both of your names and so does Noah. If it is okay with you, can I have both of your names?"

They look at each other before answering my question. "Yes"

"Thank you" I get up and hug them both.

"Now I really hope she says yes" Blair says as we hug, making me laugh.


Today is the day that I propose. I have never been this nervous in my entire life before. Since the day that I told Sterling's moms that I was going to propose, they have helped me plan everything.

Noah is almost a month old now. She is more beautiful everyday. Spending time with her and Sterling is my favorite thing to do. I crave the time I get to see them. Because we have both been busy being first time parents we haven't really spent alone time together.

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