24 : Your Beauty

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Sterling's POV

Elliott is heavier than she looks. Luckily my ma heard me yell out right before Eliott passed out and fell into me. I was able to hold her up but did stumble back at the initial impact. When my ma came in, so did my aunt Victoria. They carried Elliott into the car. We rushed Elliott to the hospital.

I know that Elliott does not like hospitals, but I will have to ask for forgiveness instead of permission because I will not have her die. After we pull into the emergency room Elliott is rushed in by the nurses. It is now a waiting game until the doctors come out.

Don't know if it is a good or bad thing that the doctors here all know my family because we are here so often, but they are all very kind. I know that Elliott will be safe.

The time passes slowly as I sit waiting for any news about her condition. It is about five hours before Elliott is placed in a room where we can go see her. She had to have minor surgery and some tests run due to all the injuries.

My ma stayed with me the entire time as we waited for Elliott. Everyone else was back home. Brooks called to check in a few times. I know that Brooks is really mad at Elliott right now, but like me she still cares a lot for her.

When I started to fall asleep the doctors came out to let us know that Elliott was good and that she was taken into a room where we could go see her. She was still asleep from the anastasia so I sat by her bedside holding her hand till she woke.

"Hey" I say softly as she begins to wake.

"Hi" she smiles.

"How are you feeling?"


"You have a broken shin, first and second degree burns, minor concussion, about twenty different cuts and scratches, and a bullet wound. You're great?"

"I am feeling great despite all those things because you are here" she smiles. I shake my head with a smile. "The morphine also helps" she says, making me laugh.

"Sterling" Elliott says once our laughs die down.


"A-are you actually pregnant?"

I take a small breath before answering, "Yes"

"How?" she asks. "I mean I'm really happy. I just don't understand"

"Well Elliott when two people-"

"I didn't mean that" she lets out a soft laugh. "We used protection"

"You do know condoms aren't a hundred percent effective right?"

"I do now" this girl, I roll my eyes. "Do your parents know that you are actually pregnant?"

"I haven't told them that I wasn't lying. I don't know if they believed me when I first said it"

"I support any choice that you make about this pregnancy. It's your choice"

"Thank you. I haven't really thought about it much. Everything just happened so fast. I think I need to really think about it before I make a decision"

"Completely understandable" she gives a soft smile.

For the rest of the night me and my ma stay with Elliott. She has to stay in the hospital for some time before she can be cleared to leave. The blast did a number on her. It was hard to see all the wounds and burns on her with wincing. I know that this will all be a work in progress and that I still have a lot of anger about everything that has happened. However, seeing someone you love like this hurts your heart, even if you have so much anger towards them.

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