22 : Left Behind

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Sterling's POV

My chest rose and fell trying to catch a breath. My lungs are burning from the run and cold air. We stopped once we felt we were far enough away from the explosion. Me, my siblings, and my mom waited for the rest of our family to arrive.

One by one my aunts and uncles began to show up here with us. The only one missing was my ma. Well, and Elliott.

"Where's Drew?" my mom asks my uncle Sloane.

"She was right behind us" he turns, hoping to see her running behind.

"Callan where is she?" my uncle Sloane asks my aunt.

"I-I don't know. She was behind me when we all ran out. I thought she came with us"

"You left her behind?!" my mom yells.

My instincts take over and I begin to run back. I don't get far as my uncle pulls me back. "KJ no you can't go back"

"No, I have to save her!" I try to fight off his grip but instead his arms wrap around my body.

"It's not safe" he tells me.

"Please uncle Sloane let me go! I can't lose her" my shouts are loud and the tears run down my face.

"Blair!" a shout comes from the distance. We turn to see my mother running towards us. "Blair!"

"Drew!" my mom runs to my ma and jumps in her arms. My uncle lets me go and I run instantly to my ma. My siblings follow. We all pile into the hug with tears. My ma checks on all of us before going to her siblings. In the midst of all the emotions I did not realize that Elliott was not here.

"Ma, where's Elliott?" I ask her. I know that I should not care but I do.

My ma's look says it all but I need to hear the words. "I'm sorry KJ, she pushed me out before the building collapsed. She saved my life but she didn't make it out on time. I promise I tried" I shake my head in disbelief. The tears immediately reappear and fall.

My body begins to feel weak and I can't hold myself up anymore. My ma catches me before I fall completely. As she catches me the pain becomes audible. My screams echo through the forest. It is a pain I have never felt before.

My moms hold me through the pain until the end. I know that I am full of anger towards Elliott and that I hate her so much for what she has done, but that doesn't mean I don't still love her. Knowing that I just lost her feels like my heart has been ripped out of my chest and crushed. I have never felt a loss like this. It is a pain that makes it hard to control anything. I can't feel my body but at the same time I can feel the pain.

My ma carries me all the way to the street and into one of the cars. The tears and screams have stopped. Everything has now become numb.


Elliott's POV

Agony. Agony is all I feel all over my body as I begin to wake again. My vision is blurry, but slowly becoming clear. My body is weak. I push on my arms to get up with any strength I have left. When I can't get up I look down to see my legs trapped under some bricks.

One by one I remove the bricks until I can pull myself out. My leg bleeding from the bricks, my body scratched up from the pieces of the building hitting my body. My arms and back feel like they are on fire. The heat from the fire and blast caused burns to the top half of my body.

All the injuries mean nothing to me right now. I need to get to Sterling. I need to see that she is okay. I need to tell her the truth. And I hope that she will let me explain.

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