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Third Person P.O.V

Abby and Jackson walked into the dropship, and their mouths dropped at the sight of their people. It was a long shot anyone would be here, and despite the rather deserted feel outside, it gave them some hope that there were more of them around. More specifically, that Abby had hope, and that Clarke was out there.

"Help them," Murphy said, gesturing towards Raven; who was passed out curled up in a ball, and Zen, who was awake as of about an hour before.

Abby came up to Murphy and Zen, bending down in front of the two.

"Zen?" she asked, trying to get the blonde girl to look up at her. When she did, Abby let out a sigh of relief. "We need to get you out of here and back to the Arc. We're going to put you on a stretcher. How are you feeling?"

Zen couldn't respond, she was getting tired again. She had completely forgotten about the weapon that was stuck in her stomach. Abby, on the other hand, was worrying about it. She was even more worried when Zen didn't speak back to her.

"Zen, answer me," the doctor said, grabbing a hold of the girl by her cheeks. "Zen, stay awake." Abby shook her head, trying to snap her awake, but it was no use. Zen had gone unconscious again. Abby let out a another sigh, and took a look at the wrap around Zen's wound.

"She told me to put that there," Murphy stated, knowing what Abby was looking at. "I can give you another piece of my shirt..."

He was still holding Zen. His arm hadn't moved around her shoulder, and every time she would slip down, he'd pull her back up against his chest. He felt bad that he betrayed the one person who gave him respect; he wanted to show the girl that he did care for her. He knew that she probably wouldn't have remembered after Abby would fix her up.

"I have a bandage, it's alright," Abby said, smiling up at the boy. "I need to do it outside, there's better lighting than in here."

"We need a stretcher!" Jackson called out to the rest of the men outside of the dropship. Despite being busy with Bellamy and Finn- who had snuck their way into camp- they followed the doctor's orders.

"We need a second stretcher!" Abby perked up, giving Murphy a small nod before turning her back and heading outside to retrieve the stretcher.

Bellamy and Finn were extremely anxious. Finn knew that Raven was too injured to move, she had to have been in there. Bellamy, on the other hand, left Zen with the thought that she was alive and well. If the camp had been taken by grounders, she would've gone with them. They wouldn't have left a healthy sky person to be a witness.

"There was hundreds of them, and if it wasn't for Raven..."

Murphy hobbled out of the dropship with the help of a guard. Bellamy's head shot in the direction he heard the oh so familiar voice. When he saw Murphy, his anger got the better of him. He wanted to kill him. He wanted to kill him for threatening to kill Zen. That was his main reason. Even though he had been hung by Murphy, he just wanted to get revenge on what he did to Zen.

So, he charged for him.

Bellamy landed a firm punch on his jaw, sending him to the ground. He got on top of the boy, throwing punches at his face; as many as he could get in.

"Where is she?!" Bellamy snarled. He was upset and mad that Zen was no where to be seen. Though he knew that Murphy most likely had nothing to do with her being gone, he still blamed him. It was easy to. "Where is Zen?!"

"I-in there," Murphy said quietly. Bellamy didn't hear him, though. A guard had pulled out his taser, and shocked Bellamy in the side. He fell to the ground beside Murphy, trying to recover from the electricity that had just chorused through his body.

But We've Lost A Lot ↭ Bellamy Blake [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now