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I walked out of John's tent, making my way over to the opening of the Arc. Bellamy could've been anywhere throughout this camp, but I knew that starting where the front doors were was a good start.

Almost as if he knew I was wishing to see him, he walked out of the Arc, pulling his hair off of his face and rubbing the sweat from his forehead It definitely did not put me in the mood to tell him I was just kissed by someone else. How could I have been serious after seeing that?

He turned when he heard crunching grass coming closer to him. He saw me, and his eyes calmed down as he looked at me. He walked over, and tried his best to keep a steady expression.

"Hey, I need to tell you something," I said to him, grabbing his forearm and taking him away from the crowds. We moved up to the side of the Arc, pretty close together, but not enough that it got weird between us. "Okay, look, I know this is probably the wrong time to tell you, but it just happened a couple of minutes ago. I didn't want to keep it from you at all."

Bellamy looked down, crossing his arms.

"What happened, Zen?" he asked me.

"John... he, uh... he kissed me-"


It took all of two milliseconds before Bellamy's face turned dark red, and his once soothing eyes turned deadly. I could see the muscles in his arms tense up, and he was trying his best to not lash out.

"I pulled away the second he did, Bellamy, I promise you-" I tried to squeeze all my thoughts into one sentence as fast as I could, but I didn't think Bellamy heard anything else after my initial confession.

"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch! Murphy!"

Bellamy ran right past me just as John was walking up near the Arc. When I turned around Bellamy was already getting his fist ready to swing into John's jaw.

Before I could get to the two boys, Bellamy had John on the ground, punching his face as hard as he could.

"How dare you think that just because I screwed up, doesn't mean you can move in on her! You don't touch her!"

"Bellamy!" I cried out, trying to grip onto his arms and pull him back. He was much stronger than I was, and he was even bulkier when tense. There was nothing I could do alone to get him off. "Bellamy stop it!"

"Bellamy Blake, get off of John Murphy now!"

A couple guards came and practically lifted Bellamy off of John. Abby came over with Jackson, too, already knowing that someone was going to have a bloody nose.

"Let him go," I said to the guards, pushing them away from Bellamy. He was about to lunge at John again, but I put my hands on his chest. "Stop it, Bellamy! Calm down before they take you away again!"

In a fit of rage, Bellamy let out an angry sigh before looking back at John, and then stomping off into the Arc. The guards went to follow him, but I knew they were going to lock him up. I wanted to take care of Bellamy myself. The guards never did anything useful.

"I'll deal with him," I told them, looking at Abby to get her approval. She nodded at me, then the guards, and they backed off. "John, are you alright?"

I helped him up, wiping a bit of the blood off of his face.

"I'm so sorry... I didn't- I didn't think he'd go off like that," I informed him. "Not that hectic, anyway."

"I did... but it's okay, just go make things right," he whispered to me. I passed him off to Abby, who told me that'd she'd help him right away. Before the crowd of campers watching the debacle had a chance to dissipate, I ran into the Arc, trying to think of a place where Bellamy might've went.

But We've Lost A Lot ↭ Bellamy Blake [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now