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"Okay, lower me down!"

Bellamy was already over the cliff edge, holding on tightly to the rope that we managed to scramble together. We all held on to the rope, not trusting the one tree stump that it was tied onto. Murphy was first, then myself, Finn, and Monroe. Murphy offered to be the person in front, and I was extremely thankful. I didn't want to see Bellamy climbing down the cliff someone just fell down.

All of us kept slowly letting the rope down, and each time I switched my hands I heard Bellamy taking another step down the side. It made me uneasy, but at the same time, it assured me that he was still attached to the rope and wasn't falling.

"Okay, I'm here, stop lowering!"

I gripped the rope tighter at the sounds of Bellamy's words, subtly looking to everyone else to see if they heard. They followed Bellamy's orders, and we all stayed still and silent as Bellamy tried to get Mel to trust him.

"It's okay, I got you. Just put your arms around me."

"I can't," Mel cried, her voice shakier than when I had a seizure a little while back.

If a tall, muscular, dark haired man with freckles came down the side of a cliff to safe me, I'd grab on as soon as possible and probably never let go. Mel was still afraid that the rope would break and Bellamy would fall, too.

Little did she know that I was holding onto the rope, and I sure as hell wasn't going to let him fall.

"Yes, you can. It's okay, this will hold. I'll get you up, I promise. Okay?"

"Is he struggling?" I whispered to John, since he was the only one that could see.

"No, he's secure. But she's not. If she doesn't grab on soon, we're gonna pull him back up. Girl or no girl."

"Then we just wasted all this time."

"Would you rather have Bellamy die or waste more time?"

"I'm pretty sure I know what your answer would be."

"Inspiration changes answers, Zen."

I wasn't able to respond. Bellamy's voice broke our conversation, yelling at us to pull him and Mel up. I smiled without even thinking about it, extremely relieved that they'd be up shortly, and hopefully, without any trouble.

"Don't you worry, Bellamy. I won't drop you," John called down to him. As stressful as the situation was, I couldn't help but laugh at his sarcasm. Then I realized that he could very well be joking and would actually want to drop him.

"John, shut up and pull," I demanded.

"Don't you worry either, Blondie."

For a few solid seconds, Bellamy and Mel were crawling their way back up the cliff, and the rest of us were pulling at the rope. But then the rope that John was holding snapped in half. Both of his hands were on either ends of the tear, and it was only him that was holding onto the rope. I got sent flying sideways, along with Finn and Monroe.

The second I regained sight of what was going on, I quickly crawled back to John, and grabbed a hold of the rope. He let go of the one side, and we were all now holding onto the piece that was connected to Bellamy and Mel.

"What the hell is happening up there?!" Bellamy screamed up. I could tell he was struggling just by the stagger in his voice.

"Just hold on!" Finn yelled back down.

Only a millisecond later, I heard something flying through the air, and it was coming closer to us. When I heard it stop, I felt mass amounts of pain straight up my leg. I let out a loud shriek of pain, getting the attention of everyone else. I let go of the rope from the shock, and fell backwards.

But We've Lost A Lot ↭ Bellamy Blake [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now