fourteen (bonus)

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"Zen, I need you again," Clarke said, popping her head into my makeshift room before continuing to walk down the hallway. When I looked out of the door, both her and Raven were heading to the warehouse, where Raven has practically been living.

I quickly hurried behind them, being sure to shut my door. I still wasn't trusting of Abby and that scary Major Byrne woman. I'm sure that if they found any sort of weapon that they didn't clear in my room, I'd be banished for life; and I had a feeling the grounders wouldn't take me in.

I had only been in the room five minutes, and I was ready to settle down for the night. I wanted a good rest (if that was even possible) before talking to Bellamy the morning after. The odds of that happening were slimming down quickly.

I made it to the warehouse, and stood with Raven and Clarke over a radio. Once it was silent, a mess of sounds came from the machine. I listened closely, realizing that it was a jamming sequence.

"I tweaked the resonator and got this," Raven explained. "It's on every frequency."

"Is that why our long range communication is screwed?" I asked her. She nodded with wide, enthusiastic eyes.

"It's also why the range in our walkies suck," Raven added.

"And to think I just thought it was your shit mechanics," I joked. Raven gave me a funny glare, but Clarke wasn't too happy with our messing around.

"What else do you have on this?" Clarke asked.

"It's the same signal Monty heard on the black box of the exodus ship," Raven added.

"That's why the Exodus ship crashed. Not because of a false launching or power outage," I figured out. "That signal might've been the one Monty heard the night he went missing. That's why they found him and not us; he was in their range."

"Can you guys get around the signal?" Clarke asked.

"Around it? No," Raven answered, "but, if we can get close enough to the tower that broadcasts it, I can make it go boom."

"It would be on a high mountain, probably at the very top of Mount Weather. If we can get to a mountain adjacent from it-"

"No one is going anywhere."

Abby interrupted my planning, coming into the warehouse with Scary Byrne on her side. Once again, I received a glare, and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Mom, listen to me-"

"What do I have to do to get through to you? You are your friends are not soldiers, and continuing to act like you are puts lives at risks."

"If any of us down here are soldiers... its the hundred of us you sent down here first," I added, annoyed that these council members still thought that we didn't know what we were doing. If it wasn't for us, they wouldn't have even made it down here. "We know the secrets about this place. You have no idea what it's like out there."

"I am not sending you out there when you aren't trained," Abby responded. "And I can't send more guards out looking for you, either."

"We don't need guards to find us," I exclaimed, "we have done fine on our own, and we will continue to do so. We don't need to be trained by you; we've trained ourselves already."

"Raven found something," Clarke butted in, trying to stop the bickering Abby and I were doing. "Mount Weather is jamming our communications."

"It's true," Raven said, finally commuting to the conversation.

"There could be other Arc stations on the ground," Clarke said to her mom, trying to convince her to let us go. "And more guards. You said we don't have enough people to fight a two-front war. Mom, we're already fighting one."

But We've Lost A Lot ↭ Bellamy Blake [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now