!! season 3 sneak peek excerpt !!

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"Everybody listen up!"

I was beside Octavia, trying to focus on Pike's stupid speech instead of Bellamy standing there with grounder blood on him. That blood wasn't war blood... it was murderous blood.

"He makes me sick," I whispered to her. She looked at me and sighed.

"I don't want to be here anymore," she responded.

"Neither do I," I retorted back to her.

Pike was standing on a piece of machinery, just high enough to look at everyone in Arkadia, and for everyone to be able to look at him. How, in just one day, was he able to switch the views of nearly everyone in the camp? When we first came down here, it took Clarke forever to finally get the campers to listen, and she was Clarke. Pike was leading us down a violent road with sharp spikes and I was afraid that we couldn't turn off of it.

"Twenty four hours ago, you elected me your chancellor," Pike started. "Every action I have taken since-" A small scoff came out of my mouth before I could stop it- "and every action I will take will be to achieve one sacred goal; the creation of a self-sustaining, prosperous, and safe Arkadia."

Everyone cheered, but Octavia and I shared spooked glances. Lincoln came up from behind us, and he didn't seem too happy, either.

I quickly gazed at Bellamy, and unfortunately for me, he saw. I covered up any expression I had, and stared at him with space in my eyes. He did the same.

"This morning on a muddy field, our people paid tribute to those who have been taken from us by sending a message to the grounders."

My eyes widened, and Octavia tried her best not to look at me.

"This land... is ours now! Resist, and you will be met by force. Fight, and you will be greeted by death!"

More cheering sufficed. Kane and Abby were standing a ways behind the crowd, like I was. I looked over to Kane, and he shook his head at me. He wasn't fine with this either... and he knew that I was ready to stop it whenever I could.

"Today is a new beginning! Mark it down. Remember it just like the Grounders will remember it!"

My blood started to boil, and my feet were taking me through the crowd, past Bellamy, and in front of Pike. Octavia's quiet pleas to stop me didn't work... the blood pumping in my ears blocked everything out.

"Hey Pike!" I said, positioning myself in a strong stance. "You forgot one grounder."

He looked down at me, confused.



I thought of this the second I saw the fifth episode, and I was like 'I need to make this an excerpt I can't wait'

Seriously, this part is only one small portion of what I have planned so far. There are much more major things to come! :D 


My job initiative ends next week. I am very sad that it's over, but very happy that I'll have a bit of busyness taken off of my schedule, and I'll have more time to write! :D

Anywho... I've been quite busy with work ending, and I will be busy up until the final day next week. So, there will not be a new chapter until then. :( I am very sorry, but I am stressed enough to finish everything, and I really want to finish all that I need to before I start writing again. 

I hope you can all understand, and I'm sorry that you'll be waiting a bit longer. 

Thanks for all the support you give me and this story, as per usual, and I hope you enjoyed this little snippet of season three. :) It might be changed a tad bit when I get to this actual chapter, but for now, it's a fun little preview. :)

See y'all baenanas in the comments and when I'm back on track with writing :)

-Brandee*salsa dancer emoji bc zen knows how to work it*

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