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Jungkook Pov

"Ignore him, he has a rough night" Taehyung said

I had a major headache and the amount of crying I did put me to sleep. I really do miss her and I haven't stopped thinking about her all these years.

I'm still madly in love with her. I tried to move on but I just couldn't. I would see girls that looked just like her and date them. But they weren't. Everywhere I go, I thought she was there.

But no it was just my imagination

"Now, Rain---"

As soon as I heard her name...I shot my head up and looked at her.

"Raina!" I yelled surprised

Everyone in the room jumped by the tone of my voice. Which made my face and ears red out of embarrassment.

I was quiet after that.

"As I was saying" Mr. song said giving me a stern look.

I put my head down and fiddle with my fingers.

The meeting went on what Jin and Mina decided and Raina wrote down everything. This was the longest shit ever. But if it were I and Raina's big day at wouldn't have cared.

I stared at Raina the whole time and she didn't even notice. But Jimin did. He nudge my leg and looked at me.

"You look like a weirdo. Stop it" Jimin said

All I could do was nod my head and looked down. I was bored out of my mind.

"Alright let's take a little break. I bet the boys are hungry" Mr. Song said

I watched as she packed her stuff up and put it in her purse. As she walked out I couldn't stop looking at her body. That ass of hers, I just wanted to grab it and spank it. Claiming it as mine like I did before.

God, I could only thought of her underneath me. Fuck! I'm getting hard again.

"Go talk to her!"

I looked at taehyung and nodded my head. This had to be the perfect time!

Once I left the room, I didn't know which way she went. And the only place I could think would be the cafe.

My feet moved on their own as I took stride steps to the cafe. It was nosey as fuck that I lost my train of thought. My eyes scanned the whole place looking for her petite figure. And there she was making herself a cup of coffee.

And I knew how she liked her coffee...

5 creamers, 2 sugars, a dash of caramel and vanilla, cinnamon and whip cream with chocolate topping. She either liked it hot or iced. And she went with ice this time.

I watched as she took a seat in the back corner. She opened her notebook taking small sips of her coffee.

This is the perfect time! Do it before it's too late!

I got in line and paid for my banana milks and some chips. My nerves were all over the place. What if she doesn't want to talk to me?

After what I did to her...

Again my body moved by itself And I was standing at her table. Right Infront of me.

"H-Hi" I said

Really stuttering? You dumbass nice going.

"Hey" she said with her beautiful smile that makes me melt.

"Um..c-could I sit h-here?" I asked

"Yeah you can sit here" she said

I took the seat across from her and paid with my straw. I was nervous as fuck! My leg was shaking, heart was beating fast and I couldn't stop playing with my straw.

Is It Too Late To Say Sorry? 21+ J.JkWhere stories live. Discover now