26 (M)

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Raina Pov

The sun was shining through my window. Blinding be the rays that it made me open my eyes. I should've closed it.

Turning over on my back as I rubbed my face and through my hair. My head was pounding like a nail was getting hammered into it. I lifted the blanket up a little and I was but ass naked.

What the fuck happened last night? How much did I drink?

I don't remember anything.

The spot next to me was a mess and it smelled like Jungkook.

I was confused.

My lower half was sore as I turned my body. legs were Shakey and they throbbed even my lower back.

Minutes later, Jungkook comes in the bedroom shirtless with a tray of food and orange juice with a smile on his face.

"Good morning princess" he said smiling

My eyes widened as I realized what could've happened last night.

"W-what happened last night?" I asked

Jungkook laid the tray on the nightstand and sat on the bed. Looking at me as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Well, we had a little too much to drink and it led to things." He said

"You mean?" I asked shocked

"Yeah, I kept telling you no and wanted to wait but you were persistent. You took control in the beginning Raina. I just finished it" he said

Oh my God .. we had sex

"I-I I'm so sorry Jungkook" I said " I don't know what happens to me when I drink too much"

He smiled and kissed me on my forehead.

"Don't worry about it. I enjoyed it and I knew you did too. But I couldn't help myself you just felt so fucking good" he said

Jungkook got on top of me and started kissing my neck. Rubbing his hands on my body underneath the blankets.

My eyes closed due to the pleasure but shit open when I remembered Ji-Ho was still home.

"J-Jungkook... J-Ji-ho" I said nervously

"I took him to your sisters ... Jin wanted to spend time with him. So I'm all yours today" he said

He went back to kissing and biting my neck. His hands rubbing me from my legs to my stomach. Goosebumps covered my body.

Again my eyes closed at the feeling he was giving me. I could feel my pussy wet and dripping on to the mattress.

"I want you Raina" he said seductively in my ear.

I wanted to push him away but I just couldn't. He was the only one that made me feel so good in bed.

"I-I want you too" I said

Jungkook opened my legs with his knees and his tip was at my entrance. Inch by inch he slid inside me.

"Your so fucking wet" he said and then bit my ear.

Moans kept coming out of my mouth until he was fully inside me. Jungkook stayed still for a bit so I can adjust to his size.

"M-move" I said

He smiled and slowly started going in and out of me. He took his time until I was dripping wet and started going faster.

"Ahhh fuck" I moan

Jungkook kept his pace going as he moved both my legs on top of his shoulder.

No wonder why my legs and back hurt.

Is It Too Late To Say Sorry? 21+ J.JkWhere stories live. Discover now