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Raina Pov

"Wow congrats on having a son! " He said

"Yeah he's the best thing that's happened to me" I said smiling.

"I bet you and your boyfriend are happy and have a son together" he said

The smile on my face disappeared and I was this close to crying. But I had to be strong.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asked concerned

"Uh.. I'm single Jungkook. I did have a boyfriend but he up and left me because I lost our baby. And that happened last year." I said

His face I couldn't read but his eyes looked upset... Dishearted

"I'm so sorry about that. How does your son feel about that?" He asked

"He wasn't my ex boyfriend's kid. He really didn't care about my son. He ignored him cause he wasn't his. Ji-Ho 's real father left before anything. So he's never met him" I said

A sad expression was on his face but then turned angry

"What an asshole!" He said angrily

"My real son's father picked his career over a girl that he loved. And she WANTED to tell HIM during the anniversary dinner" I said crossing my arms and my eyebrow raised.

"What a dickhead! Who could pick a career over a girl that was carrying his baby?" He asked

I shook my head and I was angry beyond belief.

"It's you! Your his father Jungkook! I wanted to fucking tell you during our anniversary dinner. But you left me that morning with no fucking note... NOTHING!!!!" I yelled

His mouth hit the floor.. all the talking in the cafe went quiet. Everyone was looking at us.

"W-what?" He asked

I sighed and closed my eyes.

"That night, when you cooked us dinner... I wanted to tell you I was pregnant... I was going to tell you but the call interrupted me. And then the next morning you were gone. So I've been taking care of MY son since then"I said

He didn't know what to say but I saw his eyes brimming with tears.

"I-I'm sorry" he started to sob.

I sighed again...

"There's a good thing out of all of this" I  said with a small smile

"W-what?" He asked trying to fight the tears back.

"He's your twin" I said

"C-can I see a picture?" He asked

I showed him the two pictures and a small smile was on his face. But Jungkook's nose was red and so was his eyes.

Maybe I shouldn't be to hard on him.

He hand the phone back to me and I laid it on the table. Jungkook was sniffing but he was smiling as well. A couple tears did fall down his cheeks.

"How old is he?" He asked smiling

"He's 5" I  said

His mouth opened and closed. Eyes widened and again tears were brimming in his eyes.

"C-can I meet him?" He asked

The words I've been dreading to here.


Hes Ji-Ho father! Don't keep Jungkook away from him. It might be good for the both of them.

"Yeah, when would you like to?" I asked

Jungkook was about to say something until everyone dispersed meaning lunch was over. I packed up my stuff and grabbed my trash about to throw it away. But Jungkook took it from me.

"I'll do it for you" he said with a smile

Seeing him smile again made my heart beat faster. Butterflies started to flutter. Why do I feel like this after all these years.

As we got back to the meeting room, Mr. Song was on the phone pacing back and forth. Jin in the corner distressed and Namjoon calming down. The rest of the boys were in the corner with tears.

"What happened?" Jungkook asked

I got nervous... I knew something bad had happened.

Just as I was ready to say something my phone started ringing. I pulled it out and saw the caller id.

It was my aunt..

I answered it and put it up against my ear.

"Hey auntie, is everything okay?" I asked

Head to the hospital now! Mina was in a car accident!!!

The phone dropped to the floor has I started to shake and cry.

"W-what happened?" Jungkook asked holding my shoulders.

My knees hit the floor as I was hyperventilating and crying so hard. My chest was aching and I couldn't breath or talk right.

"M-My sister I-Is in the h-hospital" I cried

Jungkook pulled me up and he ran out the door with me to my car. The rest of the boys followed and holding up in. Mr. Song called the driver and we all piled in.

The only thing I kept thinking was killing me but by bit.

Was Ji-Ho with her? What had happened? Is my sister going to make it?

It only took 15 mins to get to the hospital. The van stopped and I was the first one out. Running inside as I made it to the receptionist. Jungkook was right next to me trying to calm me down and hold me up.

"W-what room is Mrs. Kim in?" I asked

She typed away on the computer and looked up at me.

"Room 213" she said

Again I ran so fast that everything was a blur to me. Once I made it to the door I opened it up and saw my aunt. And next to her was Mina with wires and eyes closed.

"W-what happened?" I asked

"She was going to take ji-ho to the park when a semi hit her from the side" she said

My eyes widened when she mention my son. I couldn't breathe...

"W-where is he? Is he hurt?" I cried

"He's in room 315" she said

I ran outside the door and onto the elevator to get to the 3rd floor. Jungkook was crying hard and trying to hold me up once again.

As soon as the elevator beeped and the doors opened, Jungkook held me up and we walked slowly to the room. My feet were dragging as again my vision was blurry.

I prayed to God that he and my sister was okay.

I was shaking so bad that I couldn't even open the door to his room. That Jungkook had to do it for me.

Once the door opened, there was my son on the bed laughing.

Oh thank God...


I ran to him and held him close holding on to him as my life depended on it.

"Omg my baby" I cried

"Mommy I'm okay...I just got a boo boo" he said

I pulled away and kissed him all over the face. The only thing he has was a couple scratched and a broken arm.

"Mommy who's that?" He asked pointing to Jungkook

I looked at Jungkook and back at Ji-ho.. this was the time to tell him.

"That's your daddy"

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