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Jungkook pov

After the park we went to get something to eat. We talked a bit about Lucas and how I told her I wanted to bash his face in. Which made her laugh.

Ji-Ho was sound asleep in the booth which was kind of good. Only because me and Raina would be able to talk personally.

"Thanks for today Jungkook" she said

I smiled and pulled her hand against my lips and placed a light kiss on the back of it. Which made her cheeks red.

"No problem. I'm glad you're just forgiving me and giving me another chance. Just as friends" I said

"Yeah, I think it's better that way so you could be in his life. And be there for me as well." She said

I smiled again and we talked a bit. I drove both of them home after dinner. Ji-Ho was sound asleep on my shoulder as I brought him in his room. Pulling the covers over his shoulder and kissing his head.

"Sweet dreams my little man. Love you" I said

Closing the door gently as I made my way in the family room where Raina had two glasses of wine on the coffee table.

I sat next to her and took a sip of the sweet red one. keeping a safe distance from her so she didn't feel uncomfortable.

Minutes later, I don't know how many glasses of wine we had. But he she was straddling me. My dick was twitching as she grinded herself on me.

"R-Raina" I let out in a moan.

"God I always loved the way you moaned my name" she said

I knew she was drunk and I didn't want to take advantage of her in this state. Even though I wanted to. I had to control myself.

"You don't know how many times I literally masturbated to you. Especially when you were singing on stage. My time always made me cum so fucking hard." She said


"So you watch the concerts huh?" I said biting my lip

Her face turned bright red and looked away.

"I can't help it... I mostly watch it because of you. Just to see you on tv... And... I'm still in love with you. You may think I hate you and don't like you but that's a lie. I have never stopped loving you." She confessed

That made my heart feel like putty. She's still in love with me.

"I never stopped loving you Raina." I said

She smiled so big and wrapped her arms around my neck. My hands on her hips helping her move slowly on my dick.

"We should take this to the next level" she said

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at her in confusion.

What does she mean "next level"

"I miss your cock Jungkook... I haven't had sex with anyone other than that asshole last year. Your dick is only made for me. And it's all I want. So I have come to a conclusion that we should be friends with benefits" she said

Again my heart stopped beating. I literally was on the verge of cumming right here and then. But she's drunk.

"Angel" I said

Her eyes widened and a big smile was on her face.

"Y-you called me a-angel" she said happily

I chuckled at her cuteness and moved a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"You are my angel and always will be. Your name on my phone hasn't changed. I gave you that name 5 years ago and it's going to stay" she said

She kissed my cheek and pulled away.

"Angel, you're drunk and I don't want to take advantage of you in this state. But we could be friends with benefits if you want. I haven't had sex in a while. And I'm being honest. Caused the only one I want to fuck is grinding on me this minute" I said biting my lip.

"I'm not drunk Jungkook. Just feeling good" she said

"I know but I'd rather do this when we are both sober. Cause one of us will regret it in the morning" I said

Raina put her head down and was about to crawl off my lap but I put her back on my lap.

"But, there is another way we can get each other off right now" I said winking

"And what's that?" She asked

"Strip" I said

She removed all her clothes as I did mine. She crawled back on to my lap.

"Now what?" She asked

"Grind on me babygirl" she said

"No! Fuck me" she said biting her lip

"Raina.." I said

"Please?" She asked giving me the puppy eyes.

"No baby, let's take it slow... I want to do it with you when we are both ready." I said

She nodded her head and smiled and started rolling her hips on my cock. My head laid back on the couch as I enjoyed the feeling.

"Fuck" she moaned

Raina was grinding on me a little faster but my dick slid inside her. My eyes widened and I stared at her.

"I-Im sorry" I said

I was going to lift her up and pull it out but than she started bouncing on me.

"Rain-- ahh fuck" I moaned

Our bodies were slapping and you can hear how fucking wet she was. Bouncing on me faster and faster.

"Yes ahhh right there" she moaned

In one swift moment, I laid her down on the couch and pounded into her mercifully. Her tits bouncing, her legs on my shoulder, her nails digging in my arms

"Fuck... Ahh Jungkook mmmm" she moaned

"You like that huh? Like how I make your pussy feel" I asked

"Y-yes ahhh fuck you make me feel so good" she said

My thrust were getting faster and faster. I flipped her over and now I was fucking her from behind. My hands through her hair as I pulled it. Raina's hands were clenching on the couch as I fucked her harder and harder.

"You take my dick so good baby" I moaned

"Faster ahhh faster Jungkook" she moaned

"As you wish princess" I said

I fucked her harder, faster, rough... Demolishing this pussy claiming it mine like I always did.

"Yes ahhh right there fuck daddy" she moaned

My hand yanked her by the hair and pulled her up. Her back against my chest as one hand my gropping her tits while the other was rubbing her clit.

"Ahhh shit... Fuck... I'm going to cum" she moaned

I went faster then me before. Going deeper inside her feeling her pussy clench around my dick.

"Cum baby" I said

She came so hard and I followed right after her. I pulled out and walked to the kitchen to get a wash rag and clean both of us off.

Grabbing our clothes and carrying her bridal style to her bedroom. Laying her down on the bed and I laid on the other side. Holding her body close to mine. Her head on my chest as I ran my fingers through her hair.

"I love you Jungkook" she said before she drifted off into sleep.

"I love you too Raina so fucking much" I said

We both fell asleep in each other's arms. And let me tell you.... I'm never letting her go again.

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