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Holy shit! It's the day... are you fucking kidding me??? How did it get here so fast? It just feels like yesterday jungkool proposed to me outside of our house. And now! It's my freaking wedding day!!!

"Raina! Stop pacing back and forth!! You look like a fucking nut" Mina said

"I can't! Mina I'm getting married today! Holy fuck" I said

"And this is a surprised to you?" She asked

I shook my head no and sat down in the chair in the room.

Mina came and sat down next to me. She held my hand and turned my head to look at hers. She was smiling big and tears in her eyes.

"Rain, this is going to be the day you'll always remember. And shit! I can't believe your getting married before me. It's going to be the best day for the both of you. Everything is going to be okay. You've have been waiting for this day for the past 4 months. And it's finally here! Don't be nervous. You are marrying your prince charming" she said

Mina was right. I waited 4 months for this day. After Jungkook proposed to be 4 months ago we couldn't wait any longer. So as it hit 8 months of us dating we wanted to get married. As we planned, I started to feel sick and I couldn't understand why.

The one day Mina took me to the doctors and I found out I was pregnant. I didn't tell jungkook which I wanted to soo bad. Mina told me to tell him on our wedding day. It was so frustrating not to tell him. I wanted to call him and give him the news but Mina threatened me.

A knock at the door interrupted our talk and in comes Jin. Looking dashing in his black suit and tie.

"Damn babe, can I jump you now?" Mina asked licking her lips

"Later babygirl" Jin said winking "Raina are you ready to meet your prince charming?"

I nodded my head and got up. Walking towards the mirror touching up my make up and hair.

"Ready" I said nervously

Jin smiled and looped his arm through mine. Mina and the rest of my bridesmaid were by the double doors. The music started playing and one by one the groomsmen and the bridesmaid walk down the aisle.

The doors closed again and the music that we picked for me to walk down the aisle was playing.

"Raina you look stunning" Jin said

"I feel fat Jin" I said

"Well your not love and plus your not even showing. Just the little bump but I don't think he'll notice" Jin said

The doors opened and there was Jungkook at the end of the aisle. God he looked so sexy

Can't believe I'm marrying him and he's the father of our baby. Ji-ho was standing right next to him smiling up at me.

(Imagine Ji-Ho's suit is black)

Finally in front of Jungkook as both of our eyes glistened. Jin placed my hand into jungkooks and he helped me up the steps.

"You look beautiful" jungkook mouthed

"You look handsome" I mouthed back.

Everyone sat and the priest started to talk.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God to witness and celebrate the holy union of Jungkook and Raina"

"Marriage is a sacred covenant, a lifelong commitment made before God and the Church. It is a union founded on love, trust, and fidelity."

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