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Jungkook pov

When Raina's eyes opened, my heart was healed. And it was all because of my son. He truly is a miracle, a blessing. With all his health conditions, it didn't stop him. He didn't worry about a damn thing. I wish I could've declined that call at our anniversary dinner. Being there for her through the whole pregnancy. Doctors appointments, gender reveal, birth... Everything. But I chose BTS instead of her. Which I regret every fucking day.

At least now I can spend every birthday, holiday, day, month, year. If only Hybe would let me.

Mina and Jin left a little bit ago leaving me, Raina and Ji-Ho alone. Being here just us was better than anything. Alone. That's all we needed.

Still have a hunch feeling that Jimin had something to do with this. But yet again... He isn't that heartless or wishes death upon someone. All he does is spread love between us and our fans. I just have this burning sensation in my chest that he did do this. Only because they don't get along.

Watching how my son interacts with Raina is making my heart melt. The love that they share is unbelievable. I wished I could feel the same... But I've been away for so long that it's going to take a long time to gain their trust and love. It's only baby steps. One step at a time.

"Jungkook" she said

"Raina" I said sobbing.

"How long have you been here?" She asked

"The whole time you've been in the hospital. When Jimin called me that day, I rushed here so fast and didn't leave your side. The guys had to pry me away to eat and get a shower. And I came right back." I said

Raina's eyes widened and I saw her eyes glistened with tears. A small smile was on my face and it made my heart race.

"I...I really can't live without you. If God for bid something happened worse than this. I wouldn't know what to do. You are my life. If you die...I die. Even if we aren't together... I'll still be here regardless. Cause you're my first love and will be my last. No one will come between us. I won't allow it. This is all coming from my heart Raina. I'm not lying to you or nothing. And you know when my heart speaks... It will always be the truth. I love you so much Raina. More than anything in this world. I will do anything and everything to gain your trust and love back. This time I'm not leaving. I'm staying. You're my family. And that's more important than anything. Even if you push me away I will still be here. Running back to you." I said

She started to cry harder and I joined her. Holding her hand tight and kissing her hand, cheek, forehead and nose. I wanted to kiss her lips but it would be wrong. A kiss means more....and especially when two people are in love and together. Which me and Raina are not. It has a meaning behind it. Which I don't deserve. not yet. Especially when someone else is trying to win her back.

We both looked at each other, her eyes looking at my lips and I was doing the same. As much as I wanted to, it would be wrong. So I kissed her cheek again. Ji-Ho was sleeping right next to her. I got out of my seat and Raina watched me. Picking him up softly and gently and rocking him to sleep so he won't wake up. Placing him on the couch that I have slept on for a week and a half. Covering him up with the blanket and kissing him on the head.

"I love you so much little man. Daddy will always be here" I whispered.

Walking back over to Raina as I held her hand again. We talked a little bit and she was telling me what she saw before she got hit. She even asked me about the tour and the upcoming concerts and I had to tell her it was canceled due to this. Showed her the post that Bighit wrote. Telling all our fans that we are on a break. Sending warm wishes to me and my little family. Fans commenting and praying that she would heal wishing us the best.

It brought her to tears.

The door opened and it was someone I didn't suspect.


"Is she okay?" He asked

I looked over at Raina who was sleeping right now. It gave me time to chat with him instead of yelling and screaming. We didn't want to wake her up. Raina needed her sleep. And I know she would want us to be cordial.

"She's okay. Ji-Ho actually woke her up from her coma" I said with a smile on my face.

"Wow, that is unbelievable. He truly is a special kid you got there" Lucas said.

"Yeah, he is. But, um... I wanted to thank you" I said

Lucas furrowed his eyebrows and sat down. I can see he was nervous. We haven't been on the same page since the beginning. Maybe it's time we finally act like adults and communicate instead of going head to head over a girl we both love with our hearts.

"For what?" Lucas said worriedly

"Don't be scared hyung, I'm not going to do anything" I chuckled.

Lucas let out a breath and he locked his hands together. Both arms rest on his legs.

"For being there for them when I wasn't. You took care of them before she found out what truly happened. But you did things that I couldn't. So, I really truly thank you for taking care of them both and showing them both the love that I never did" I said

Lucas smiled and patted my back.

"No problem, yeah I fucked up but I truly did care and love them both. That's something I don't regret. But no matter what I'll still be there for them both cause they became a part of me. Only as a friend though. I won't interfere with you guys. At least let me be able to still talk and be around them" he said

"Yes, I will allow it. I don't think it's going to work between her and I again. I fucked up truly and I know she won't give me another chance. I love her so much Lucas. I guess we aren't meant to be together. At least I'll be able to spend time with them both. Cause they are both my life. They give me a reason to live and breathe. Guess, it's too late now... I guess it's time for me to move on. But no matter what I love them more than anything in the world. I just want her to gain my trust and forgive me for my mistakes. It's going to take time but I'll do anything for her" I said with tears.

Lucas pulled me close and hugged me. Rubbing my back. We pulled away and chatted a bit more until he had to leave and help a patient.

Walking back to my seat next to Raina and kissing her hand. Turning the TV on and not letting go of her hand. Lowing the volume so it doesn't wake up both of my meanings of life.

Taking glances here and there just to make sure they were okay and still sleeping. This is what a real family is. And I won't change it for the world.

An hour later, Namjoon, Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jimin. Which I still was pissed the fuck off with camd in the room. But, the person that was behind them I couldn't believe he was there.

"Mr. Song?" I asked

He walked closer to me and put his hand on my shoulder. His eyes screamed out with concern and worry. And... He knew something.

"What is it?" I asked worriedly

"Don't take it wrong... Think of it as a good thing" he said

I furrowed my eyebrows looking at my manager in front of me. The guys behind him all nodded his hand and they smiled.

"We found the person"

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