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Raina Pov

When I overheard Jin on the phone with Namjoon. It didn't sound good. That I immediately gave Jin Ji-Ho and ran back into the hospital. My lungs giving out on me.

What could've happened in a short amount of time?

I literally just left his room and now something bad has happened to him.

The nurses yelling at me to slow down, people looking at me, security was falling me too. But I ignored every. Single. One.

I was mad at him... No hurt. I don't know what the fuck I am towards him. But I don't want nothing to happen to him. Never.

Do I still love him? Is it that hard for me to let him go? That I want and need him in my life?
And especially in Ji-Ho's?

Taking the elevator to his floor, I tapped my foot the whole time. Wishing that this fucking elevator would go faster.

"Come on you piece of shit!" I said under my breath.

It finally dinged notifying that it was Jungkook's floor. I couldn't get out fast enough. The nurses from the 1st floor already let everyone else know on different floors that a 'crazy bitch' is running.

Finally getting at his door. I hear everyone talking. Was this right? Should I just barge in? Does he even want me anymore?

After all that I said?

But I couldn't wait any longer. I slammed open the door. Everyome jumped as they saw me panting.

"Jungkook!!" I cried out

All of the boys even Lucas smiled a little. Jungkook was crying? I could tell by his red eyes and nose. His cheeks were even flushed.

"We will leave you two alone" Namjoon said patting his shoulder.

Jungkook looked at me and smiled a little. I know him to well. And when he smiles like this, it means that he's hurt really bad. That he just does this smile to make it seem everything is fine.

"Jungkook, I know that smile to well. You don't have to do that" I said

He just nodded his head and then looked away.

I sighed and sat next to him on his bed. He didn't look at me not once. But I heard him sniffing here and there.

"We need to tal---"

"P-please don't say t-that" he said

The way he looked as he met my eyes broke my heart more.

This whole relationship is a big fucking mess.

"Jungkook, look im not going to take Ji-ho from you. He is 100% yours and I never cheated on you. If you don't believe me we will take a DNA test. It's whatever Jimin says you kind of believe. Its like you believe your friends more than the girl who carried your son for 9 months. And I did that alone while you followed your dreams. Yes, I know you still regret picking your career over us. But now that your here. Your a father and need to choose your son over your career. But if you don't want to do that than I understand. That means you don't care about me and Ji-Ho a lot. You left me. And you'll probably do the same with Ji-Ho. Even if you say you won't. Don't get me wrong. The last 2 months with you have been great. But, truly in my heart I know how this is going to turn out. One of us is going to get hurt. It's going to be like the past. So it's your decision on what you want. so I can prepare for the heartbreak. I have a lot going on as it is. With my job & Ji-Ho's health. It's stressful on me and I don't need more problems on my plate. But I won't take him away from you. And please don't worry about Lucas. The shipped has sailed along time ago. But anyways, I'll wait for your decision. Whether it's in a couple days or weeks. I'm serious, if I don't hear from you than I know where we stand." I said

He just laid there sinking everything that I had said. I patted his hand and sat in the chair near to him. As much as I still love him. I won't leave him in this time of need. He's going through a lot and I'm going to be still there for him.

Even if this whole relationship is like a rollercoaster.

About an hour later, Jungkook fell asleep which it gave me time to talk to my next client.

It was a lovely couple... They were actually friends of Felix.

Hans and Jennie.

As I was answering emails and all, I got a phone call. My airpods I had connected to my phone. I didn't want to wake up Jungkook.

The number I didn't recognize..maybe it was a past client? Oh well, I'll answer it.


Quiet on the other end. But I heard their breathing. It sounded out of breath like the person was running.

"Hello?" I asked again

Oh hey Raina! I didn't think you'd answer!

That voice! A voice that I haven't heard from in over a year. Why would he be calling me? When he was the one that left me.

"Oh hey Bangchan" I said gritting my teeth

How have you been?

"Oh um good, you?" I asked

Could be better. But listen, I'm sorry how everything went down between us. I admit I was a major asshole. I should've been there for you. I should've done what a boyfriend should do. And love Ji-Ho even if he wasn't mine. I was a dick. I know it's been over a year and I was wondering if we can catch up. Maybe as friends? Like grab lunch or something. If your free?

Hearing his Australian accent, which I always loved brought chills to my body. A part of me wanted to accept. But then, everything that he did to me replayed in my mind. The hurt, promises broken... Everything that Jungkook did he did the same. It's like I only attract that assholes.

Raina? Are you there?

"Um yeah I'm here. Listen Bangchan... I don't know if that's a good idea. I'm going through a lot already and I don't need more stress than Im already going through"

I totally understand. But Im not asking you on a date. Just to catch up and grab lunch or coffee. As friends. That's it. Nothing else

Lunch wasn't going to hurt anything. As friends.

"Okay fine, yes I'll meet up with you. When and wher--"

The call dropped and I looked at my phone noticing that the screen said 'call ended'

I didn't hang up. But I saw legs Infront of me and a hospital gown.


My eyes traveled up to a pair of angry black doe eyes.

"Hello Raina" Jungkook growled

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