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Jungkook Pov

Another day of my life turning upside down. Not only is Raina telling me to stay out of her and Ji-Ho's life but also getting yelled at by Namjoon and our manager.

I've been fucking up the songs and choreography because of what's going on in my life.

I haven't eaten, slept, worked out nothing. She has corrupted my mind and it's just driving me crazy.

And it's all my fault.

Jin has been giving me updates on Raina and the recent one wasn't good.

That dickhead Lucas was just using her cause of a fucking dare. I knew something was off about that fucker. I should've warned her but she doesn't want to listen or want me around.

Namjoon and our manager are yelling at me and I'm not even paying attention. I'm looking at the white wall in front of me.

"Jungkook!" Namjoon snapped

I didn't even know I was crying until Jimin wiped my tears.

"Guys will you fucking just chill? You can clearly see that he's broken. How would you like it if your ex girlfriend kept your kid away from you hm?" Jimin asked

Both Namjoon and our manager shut up and looked at me. And that's when I started crying harder than ever. My lungs were giving out on me and I couldn't breathe.

"It's okay Jungkook we are here for you" Jimin patted my back

"I-It hurts Hyung. I-I fucking love her still and I want to be there for them both. But it's my fault and I deserve this. I don't want to be away from them both. Shes pushing me away. Ji-Ho doesn't want anything to do with me now." I cried

The whole room was silent but all you could hear were my sobs.

About 10 minutes later my phone started ringing and I pulled out my phone out of my pocket. Jin came in afterwards as he joined the rest of us in the meeting room.

My heart stopped beating when I saw Raina's name pop up.

"S-she texted me" I said

"What she say?" Taehyung asked


Let's meet up... Are you free at 3pm?

I looked at the time on the clock as it said 12pm. We didn't have to practice again until 5 so I had time to spare.

"She asked if I was free at 3" I said wiping my tears.

"Well you are! Don't mess up this chance you have with her. Maybe things will work out the way you want them too" Hoseok said


Yeah I'm free. Where do you want to meet up at?

After I sent her that text I looked up at everyone. Namjoon and our manager were still in front of me but their expressions were soft. Not how their expressions were a couple mins ago.

"Namjoon hyung... Mr. Song... I'm sorry for my mistakes. I promise I'll be better" I said

"Jungkook it's fine and I totally get it. Maybe after figuring out things with her everything will be better" Namjoon said



How about our usual spot :)

When she smiled in the text it actually put a smile on my face.


Sounds good :) I'll see you at 3

I put my phone back in my pocket and my smile never faded. My whole mood changed and I was focusing once again.

Mr. Song was going over our schedule before the upcoming concert. This is before we have our tour next month. Which hopefully I can get Raina and Ji-Ho to come with me.

12 turned into 3 and I was already at our usual place. Sitting at our table and I already ordered her coffee and mine. I even bought a single rose. Is that too much? Am I pushing it?

It's a sweet gesture right?

The door chimed and there was Raina coming in with Ji-Ho. Good thing I also brought another one of my action figures just in case he came.

Raina smiled and Ji-Ho just stared at me. I could see the hurt in his brown eyes. And it's all because of me.

"I-I ordered you your favorite coffee and I-I got Ji-Ho a banana milk" I said stuttering.

"Thank you Jungkook. Ji-Ho say thank you to Daddy" Raina said

They were sitting in front of me and Ji-Ho kept staring at me.

"Ji-Ho!" Raina said

"Thanks daddy" he said with no emotion.

I was crushed... And I think Raina noticed it when she saw my eyes well up with tears.

"Hey Jungkook don't take it personally. He's just going through a lot. Especially finding out that Gia isn't going to be around any more." She said

I nodded my head and swallowed the lump that was in my throat.

"So, what do you need to talk about?" I asked

Raina took a sip of her coffee and she moaned by the taste of it. Fuck! Did she really need to moan? It made my dick twitch.

"Okay so, after what happened with you know.. and I'm sure Jin told you. Well Mina talked to me and it made me think. We should try to become civil. Like as friends. So you can be in Ji-Ho's life and as mine. Just for his sake." She said

My heart was beating faster in hearing this. She's not pushing me away?

"I'd love that!" I said happily

Raina giggled

"I figured you would. But, if you're going to be a part of his life and mine... You really do need to step up as a father. You can't ignore him and not be around. He doesn't have a father figure other than Jin. And at the hospital Jin already asked that he'd be Ji-Ho's father. Which I declined. Ji-Ho is yours and mine. And he needs you in his life. Which... You can't break his heart over and over again." She said

"I'm going to step up! Be a father that he needs. I'm going to show you Raina and prove to you that I can be the best father for him. I'm not going to let you both down I promise" I said

Raina sighed and I know why she did.

"Jungkook, you're not good with promises. I need to see it before I can believe it. This is why I'm giving you an ultimatum. You either be there or not" she said

I smiled and nodded my head

"I'm going to be there til my last breath. I will show you Raina." I said

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