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Things have been different since I left the hospital two weeks ago. Jungkook has changed. But, I know it's not going to last. I trust him and then I don't. I want to believe that he has but, then again I don't. I guess just from past events.

Something is wrong and I know he won't tell me. Jungkook is the type of person to hold things in and act like he's okay. I know him too well and I want to ask him what's bothering him. Then again, I don't want to make him mad. He's like a fucking bomb.

He's been here everyday and night. I'm still able to work but it has to be home. He doesn't trust me being outside. Just cause of what happened. I fight him over it and he just gives me this look that I have never seen before. It kind of scares me.

I work with my clients from home on my laptop. Even zoom... It's not the same but at least I can still plan their wedding. My assistant has been taking my spot when they need to meet up. I already let my clients know that I'm out because of personal reasons and I'll inform them when I'll be back.

Jungkook seems happy but then again worried. He's been staying over every night and leaving early in the morning. Then back again around 5-6. The guys have also been keeping me and Ji-Ho company when Jungkook is practicing. Especially Taehyung. If I want to do something like go out... He's a rat and threatens me that he's going to tell Jungkook.

I'm not fucking crippled! I got into an accident big whoop. People who get into accidents still go out and do shit. They live their lives still like it never happened. Me? I feel like an animal in a cage. I can't even get a shower or pee without him standing by the door.

Yes, I got pretty fucked up from the collision. Ended up with broken ribs, a broken foot, sometimes bad headaches, and a broken arm. To be honest with you, I could've been paralyzed. That's how bad it was. But, I was lucky. The doctors were even shocked that I was able to walk and all.

They still don't know who the person who hit me was. I have a feeling Jungkook knows... He just won't tell me.

I'm thankful for Jungkook right now. I'm glad he's here actually. He gets to spend more time with Ji-Ho. He takes him to school, picks him up, makes lunch for him, puts him down for a nap, helps him with his homework and everything else a parent does. It's funny, when it's bedtime and ji-ho is asleep. He comes to sit next to me on the couch. Looking exhausted. And he always says,

"How do you do this? Shit... You're a hero for doing this for 5 years"

I laugh every time he says that. It's true, it's a lot of work. I'm a single mother taking care of a sick little boy. Who wasn't supposed to live due to his conditions. God saved him. That's why I call him my little angel, my miracle.

Jungkook has even took him to his check ups and gives him his medicine. At first, it was a lot on Jungkook and I could tell. Some days he would stress out and cry. As the weeks went by he got the hand of it. Takes care of everything. He's a really an amazing father.

The recent check up he went was Ji-Ho was the hardest for Jungkook. When they came back, Ji-Ho hugged me and went to his room. Jungkook sat next to me on the couch and cried his eyes out.

Its hard taking care of a kid who has to take different medications during the day and night. And if he misses one pill, he could end up in the hospital or dead. So hearing that scared Jungkook.

He wished that Ji-Ho didn't have to go through this and he was a healthy little boy. I wish the same thing. Things just happens.

A couple days ago, Ji-Ho got candy from his teacher. It was actually chocolate which he wasn't supposed to have. Jungkook and Ji-Ho argued back and forth. It was like watching a comedy movie. The way they both acted made me laugh hard.

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