Chapter twenty 🥀

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Let me love you .....

( This chapter includes with mature 🔞concepts , so if you aren't like to read this chapter you can skip it ...)

" Are  you sure about it I mean you love me baby... .?"Jungkook suddenly got astonished at by new nick name but question made younger more attentive went to answer back elder .

Taehyung kept his forehead on younger's forehead and looked at glistening eyes once while patiently waiting for answer from younger .

" I love you hyung... there is no doubt about it..." younger's voice cracked and even jungkook answer is perfect steady one for Taehyung.

Taehyung exhale heavy breath and lips mumbling into thank you for younger constantly, even Taehyung securely holding younger to his lap and made his legs hold his waist tightly for get up from the ground to the entered for house .

" Hyung ...I can walk .." Jungkook softly said while his running nose scrunched up  but Taehyung greenish eyes desire increased to high level of happiness even his hands were holding jungkook from his back and walk calmly to their room while locking the house door .

Younger's face became more reddish and his eyes closed due to shyness for elder's actions .

Taehyung finally entered into their shared bedroom while younger caries to his hands and kept younger on the ground for locked the door behind them .

Younger's doe eyes sparkling from curiosity and shy from other heavy gaze . Taehyung locked the door and turned his behind while getting slow steps near to younger and  suddenly caging him , Taehyung's under .

Jungkook felt his throat getting dry due to greenish eyes powerful gaze and observe . He get little backwards from elder but his back hit to the wall and he embarrassedly refuse to look at Taehyung face . Even jungkook tiny heart rapidly and quickly betting inside his chest and that made younger's breath heavy .

Taehyung more lean to the younger and their bodies hit to each other its doesn't care about elder because his mind already set for observing younger .

" you have a scar on your cheek ...." Taehyung deep and mumble voice made Jungkook's face reddish and even his teeth slowly bite his under lips while crumbling his fingers to his palm .

Taehyung's slender finger made younger's chins up and stared at down glowing eyes, like he is mesmerizing with on younger eyes.

" Do you trust me bun...? " jungkook is overwhelmed with feelings from elders actions but he saw elder is deprived to hear his answer , jungkook tiny hands slowly moved to elder's face and gulped down his own salivary to wetting his own dry throat before speak with elder .

" I truly trust you hyung ....." Taehyung knew jungkook answer this question as yes but he asked from him because he needs to break the walls what younger srounding by himself and even made for trust between them .

Taehyung lean down on other's neck and gave a tiny smooch on there  for assured younger he trust his answer . But Taehyung didn't know what he did to his wife by his action.

" then give me chance to love you bun ..."Taehyung voice hold love and tender in there even it like deep ocean to younger and even without hesitation or boundary he fell for it .

Jungkook knew if someone hurt him physically or emotionally definitely Taehyung will be rescued from them , and even he never hurt him in his entire life .

Jungkook's tiny fingers went into Taehyung's soft locks tenderly and patted his head while calming down himself.

" I'm yours bun hyung ......" that's words enough for Taehyung to pick up Jungkook to his arms and go-inside to their room.

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