Chapter twenty three 🥀

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Taehyung and Jungkook came back to their after that day even whole the time they arranged their home

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Taehyung and Jungkook came back to their after that day even whole the time they arranged their home . Both of them work together for dusting and sweeping even dishes washing, it's kind a team work for both of them but they enjoy it because elder time to time did lame jokes and teas younger giving tiny peaks and compliment. So it didn't make them tried .

And even best thing was Taehyung wisely ignoring younger questions and made him busy with his lame jokes and excuses  it happened whole day and it ended up younger went to sleep after tiering day .

Taehyung 's manly hand securely hold younger to his chest and smoothly runs his fingers inside his curly hair locks smoothly while thinking something deeply .But younger more snuggled up elder chest and open up his eyes slowly, because he knew still Taehyung is wake .

" aren't you sleepy hyung...?" Jungkook softly asked from elder and softly dig his head on elder's chest while chewing his lips until hear answer from elder .

" hmmm.." heavily sighed while running his fingers inside younger's soft locks calmly and gently took younger his hold and stared at him.

Taehyung rough lips touched younger's soft plump lips within gently , passionate kiss while holding him tightly.
But jungkook felt Taehyung still holding something inside to his mind , but younger didn't want to ask it because he knows Taehyung will be ignore his question smoothly be like before.

" I just don't know...." Taehyung messily said while holding younger and it made younger eye brows frowned together and he heads up while stabling on bed for listen elder .

" why ... hyung ? do you still think about my  father's actions ...? You know hyung he is just like that way..I don't why appa asked help from him..?" Younger rubbing elder's hands and said .

Even And that's the main issue Taehyung didn't get his sleep , because he knew his appa isn't fool for asking help from him even why he didn't ask help from through his friend's father .

" yeah ..I also don't know bun ... it's just fishy problem .. but now sleep come here because tomorrow we have to visit his wedding day can't you remember ...?" Taehyung take bun to his hold and said calmly but younger boy fearfully stunned he mentioned about his ex 's wedding.

" I don't want to see him or attend his wedding..!" Younger without any hesitation told but Taehyung needs to go for there find out the truth about his father and meet Mr park .

" Hey ... bun listen .. we're not going for there to talk with your ex boyfriend or his future husband.. trust me we just go for there to find out the truth about your father and my appa's work ...

So please don't tell you can't come with me for there because I need it for my family safety and you even know what kind of work your father doing .."
Taehyung softly explained to younger and made him agree to go for there .

" okay hyung I always trust you..." younger snuggles up to elder's chest and said it . Even Taehyung knew younger trust him even more than his life .

After minute both of them went back to sleep while holding each other to their arms . But Taehyung mind isn't in right place to get proper sleep.
But he have to sleep and put his nervous side down because of younger .


Taehyung currently struggling with his tie and even his hair still wet with water . Younger saw how elder pout his lips cutely and struggling with his tie .

Taehyung is too busy with his tie until younger came up to infront of him while removed his hand from his neck tie while disbelieving looking at elder .

" it's really hard to do ... look why it's not tie up nicely.." Taehyung grumpily complained about tie without looking at younger , but his actions made younger laughs loudly .

" it's okay see now it's all done .. " younger turned elder to the mirror and said. But elder didn't look at his reflection because his eyes finally noticed his wife mesmerizing beauty.

Taehyung touched the mirror where younger reflection can see, even though younger ones tiny plam tightly hold his own shirt sleeve while chewing his plum lips under to his bunny teeth .

Taehyung gaze finally moved out from the mirror and went to younger boy .

For Taehyung ,Jungkook in many ways perfect with his bunny face , curvy hip , curly blackish long hair , glittery doe eyes ,  tempting under lip mole and cheek scar .

Unintentionally elder's veiny hand softly curl around younger waist and took him to his feet while leaning down on Jungkook's soft , cherry lips . While passionately capturing them with tiny humming.

Elder's hands hold younger waist. And Jungkook's hand went through elders hair locks but younger softly pulled back elder and gasped jungkook , but before falling down Taehyung holds younger tightly and pulls him to his chest while looking at younger tight closed eyes within soft look .

" open your eyes bun ..I always save you love ...."younger tightly clutching elder coat and open up his eyes slowly while adjusting with surrounding.

" hyung your hair still wet ..." younger staring at elders head and said but Taehyung's lips turned to light smirked but it caught by younger .

" why ..? " younger cuteness is overload Taehyung lightly up younger to his hight and gives smooches on his face here and there while making younger giggle , but younger hold elder's ear and Oder him to sit on the bed until he come up with hair dryer.

" you would be fell down at that time my bun ..." when younger came near to elder with hair dryer elder cutely said it to younger with grabby hands but Jungkook didn't say anything because he only focused his mind to elder wet hair to dry .

" you might be sick ; if you aren't dry your hair properly hyung .." younger warned his husband softly but Taehyung aweely snaked his hands around younger 's curvy waist and stood up on the bed while bumping younger to his chest. And lean down to younger ear , " why should I be worrying about my health, because you know my wife is going be a doctor...."

Taehyung moved out from the room but before he go to downstairs again he turned back and went  near to younger , whom standing and processing what elder said to him .

" you look stunning my baby...." That was made younger shyly look down but elder hold his hand while laughing loudly and went out of the room to the downstairs to go for the wedding.

But Taehyung's mind set for meeting younger's father and Mr Park ,

however younger's not panicking or crying same as past days because he knows his Taehyung always be his side , what ever happens next in his life .

Until next chapter stay safe 💚💜

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